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Beginning of Term Staff Meeting

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Godric knew that Salazar could deliver on finding the supplies. The question would be: what state would the apothecary owner be in once his friend was done. While Godric could be ruthless when necessary, Salazar was, quite often, much more extreme in his dealings. He did not tolerate laziness or failure in himself and, thus, held everyone else up to the same high standards. Sometimes, things happened that you could not avoid but that was often hard to explain to Salazar who hated disruption in his life.

And now for the sappy nonsense. At Salazar iteration that they could do it, that they could only do it together, Godric simply nodded in agreement.

Obviously they could do it. They had put way too much money, time, and effort into Hogwarts to let it fail. No matter what, he was determined to see it through to his life's end. While he'd rather do it with his friends, if they fell away due to extenuating circumstances, Godric would stick it out somehow.

It was this or go back to being a hired mercenary and, frankly, he'd had enough of that. He wanted his life to mean something more than a person saved here or there. More land won for some striving nobody. No, he wanted Hogwarts to be his legacy - not some needless war where he might be remembered in the annuls of history for a while but forgotten in a hundred years. He knew he was meant for bigger things than that or else why have the talent he did? And why would fate lead him to meet three other people who were just as talented as he was? Hogwarts had always been and would always be their destiny - he could feel it.

"Thank you for taking notes for me, Helga. Your dinner was, always always, fabulous and I thank you for that too." He gave her a charming half-smile, not yet taking his notes back as of yet - wanting the ink to dry fully so he didn't smear her beautiful penmanship.

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Helga's smile hadn't quite returned to its normal bright and cheery state after showing her concern over the missing supplies. It had been one of the struggles they had faced the most of here being in the mountains and rather far from the nearest port or big city. Even with magic it was taking time for things to come and with time not giving them a break many things were left to the last minute. 

"Hopefully its nothing too serious causing the delay. I know the plants for the herbology garden arrived this morning when they should have been here a few days ago. They were delayed do to a mudslide along the road and had to wait for it to be cleared. Should it be something like that that has caused the delay, we can make use of anything in the village for a few days. Once it does arrive let me know and I will come help you unpack it quickly. Two of us working on it will get it done faster then one after all" Helga said looking at Salazar. She had wanted to say more on the matter but deciding not to extend the topic any further she let it go to talk with him one on one about later should it be necessary.

As the meeting went on Helga did her best to make notes both for herself and Godric with thankfully a spare quill she had tucked into her apron. One of these days she would need to go through her pockets to see what else she had forgotten about tucked away in there. If only it worked on larger things then perhaps instead her children could be safely tucked away in her apron and always with her. She was only thankful her sister had offered to let them come live with her for now while Helga dove into the matters of the school. It was important and her sister saw that, though to be honest this had been the longest time she had been away from them. If she had a way to share her time between them and the school they would be here with her but as this was important and took most of her time she didn't want to make them feel lonely or heaven forbid unloved. She did love them, so much so and part of her cause for this school was for them and the chance they could come to learn. About magic and about the other young wizards and witches around europe they would get to meet by coming here. Like her fellow friends, she thought of this as her legacy, their legacy, and the legacy of magical kind. It was important and well worth all the work they had put in to making it a safe and welcoming place to come learn and grow.

 With the notes done, she picked them up one at a time, gave them a small blow of air to dry the ink and small wave in the air as a little extra drying power. Once they were dry after testing the ink with a touch of her finger against her own scroll she rolled up her own and tucked it away into her apron, making a note of which pocket it was in. She gave Godrics a few more seconds before calmly rolling it back up and rather than try to reach out across the distance to hand it to him, raised her wand and levitated it to his side of the table and set it down near the foot of her goblet so it was at least in a crumb free spot. "Your most welcome. As always I can't not bring something when we get together. More often then not at least one of us as skipped a meal and I can't very well sit idly by knowing their is an empty stomach in need of some good food. I believe its yours in particular that happens to skip out on a meal despite my offers to send you with road safe meals so wouldn't need to worry when you go about your day's tasks." Helga said with a smile at Godric across from her.  

She smiled warmly as they each expressed the words to hype up their cause and the strength they had together as a team. Helga gave a nod of her head, deciding to voice her thoughts from a moment ago. "This is not just our legacy as individuals but as a team and for the magical realm. We are strong in our own way but together we are an unimaginable force. A combination of strong and bold traits one would never find without such good and fine friends. Look what we have done so far and it only grows higher from here."

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Salazar eyed his normally boisterous friend, curious about his lack of profuse exclamations of friendship and destiny and all that nonsense. This wasn't destiny - it the results of four people sacrificing everything, putting their heart and soul and (in a few place) blood to make certain everything worked for the best for all magical kind. Still, it had been a long day; a long meeting, and the next day would be longer yet. In fact, for the rest of the year, who knew what things would be like. Either way, it was going to be busy keeping things going and they were all going to need sleep.

When Helga offered to help him unload supplies upon their arrival, Salazar nodded in agreement only half certain that he would tell her. She had the biggest job of them all - keeping their school fed with the help of her house elfs. Plus maintaining the gardens with the help of the elfs. And teaching. He could certainly handle the unloading of a few supplies here and there plus their proper storage.

But if she wasn't busy, he certainly couldn't completely forget about it. He was simply assure her that it was well in hand.

When Helga went on to add her sentiments about the group effort, Salazar gave a half smile, nodding in agreement. "Well said, my friends. Now then, as the hour is growing quite late and we have quite the long to-do list for tomorrow, I believe I will retire. Unless there is any other business that needs our last minute attention?"

115 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

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When Rowena didn't say anything, Godric looked to her, concerned about her well-being. Cocking his head slightly, it looked like there was a slightly pained look on her face but then, he would only notice because he watched her so often. And he had seen the look on many faces before hers. Yet to call attention to it would only worsen any wound to her pride. If it was truly bad, she would hopefully seek out Healer Gudrun for aid. It was what the young woman was there for, after all.

"I have nothing further. I believe I'm headed off to the trading post. I wanted to speak with Alaric down at the tavern about the overflow of traffic through the place - have him make sure that the main roads are clear so that there are no accidents marring our first day. Thus, I bid you all good night." He stood, bowed to both ladies and clapped his hand against his thigh. Rhiannon was up on her feet and ready to follow her master off into the night. Just before departing, he grabbed one last pie for the road. Hopefully that would help with the hangover he would likely feel tomorrow after testing Alaric's latest experiments with his distillery.

Of course, in his haste, he'd forgotten his scrolls and just before the door shut behind him, he was heading back in collect him. "You know, I suspect you all are correct. I really would forget my head if it weren't attached." He laughed heartily, sticking the rolled up parchment into his pocket and then headed back out the door, waving farewell as he went.

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Helga gave a small nod to Salzara, passing a concerned glance at Rowena as she quietly got up looking a little uncomfortable and in pain. She wondered if her friend was feeling the weight of her mind again she Helga liked to think of it, a head ache in more common terms and hopefully she would have time to visit the infirmary before it became too late into the evening. 

Her attention turned to Godric as he mentioned stopping by the trading post in the village to warn about the coming foot traffic. She couldn't help raise an eyebrow slightly, politely keeping to herself about the obvious secondary reason for his visit. Helga just hoped he would get too far into the celebrating spirit with the big day tomorrow but one never fully knew when it came to Godric.  
 "Lucky for you we don't have a tab for all the times you've forgotten something behind in your hurry to leave and plan to collect one of these days." she muttered with a smile and light shake of her head. "No further business from me for the group. I have a few last minute things to check on this evening myself before retiring. That being said, goodnight everyone and I'll see you all on the morrow. You can rest assured the meal I've planned to break fast will be full of good things to help fill us with enough energy to get through the day and then some."    

Helga rose up from her seat as well, pausing by the table as her friend calmly exited the room. Waving her wand toward the cloche she hovered back to the table to cover the tray then sent it back to the kitchens followed by the goblets and remainder of the wine. Clean up was never a fun part of the job but it certainly felt good doing so knowing the stomachs had been filled happily and contently with the sight of an empty plate. After a small sweep of the room to make sure it was as tidy as it tended to be before they held a meeting, she gave one last flick towards the fireplace extinguishing it and calmly took her leave of the room making sure to close the door behind her. Tomorrow would indeed be a busy day and she had no doubts it would a night of little sleep for her as their was still plenty to do and her excitement far too high to even think of going to bed for more than a second.
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