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Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric)

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Registered: Dec 2021

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At some point they had started walking again towards the school though when and for how long Astrid wasn't sure. Admittedly her head was beginning to swim a little and she had to reconsider the fact that the piece of wood may have in fact hit her harder against the side of her head than she gave it credit for. She paused for a moment, placing her hand on to a nearby building wall to lean on while she recollected her balance. It was all a real annoyance but she wasn't just yet prepared to take the hit to her ego to ask for help, particularly when the only one to offer her help was just as banged up as she was if not more. 

She looked up as he recommended she seek out Rowena for obtaining supplies to remake her lute. Astrid was a bit stunned not from his advice but the following comment that had her stare at him a bit more focused. How would he know it made her happy? He only heard her playing for a short time when he arrived at the tavern tonight or was he just assuming so from their talk that followed after their meeting? Had he actually been paying attention to what she had said then? No, he couldn't have. He was just humoring her given the situation they were both in that was all, come tomorrow it would be all back to avoiding her or engaging in very small talk with others around.

"Thank you for the advice, I may keep it in mind to seek out Lady Ravenclaw should I be unable to collect the materials myself. I know my time is a bit restrictive given I need to be on alert at all times of the day, I just would rather go in person to find the piece of wood myself that will be used to make a new lute. Its what makes it a bit more unique and personal, not to mention its sort of part of the entire experience when you make something by hand. Going out and finding that perfect piece of wood that will make all the difference to the end result and the high unique feeling of accomplishment and pride fill you once its done" Astrid explained though she wasn't sure if it made entirely much sense.

It was something that wasn't easy to explain unless the person hearing it had experienced making something themselves with their own hands. She wasn't fully sure if Godric had ever done so but given his background it was possible he had some experience doing work with his hands of some kind. Even knights would wittle and carve wood or get creative with making weapons in their down time.

While she understood given her position as the school healer limited her freedom to go wandering around for the perfect piece of wood she needed, Astrid still wanted to hold out on the hope maybe there could be a chance she could slip away for just an hour or so to look around the nearby forests at least for a decent well shaped piece of wood. It wouldn't quite be the wood breed she was hoping for but it would do just well enough to craft a basic lute for the time being. Perhaps when she had more time she could go get what she really wanted and make another lute made from the materials she really wanted to use. Having two would come in handy, particularly if she happened to find herself in a situation like this again where she would need to defend herself with the nearest object.

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Godric wanted to roll his eyes. He didn't understand at all but if she wanted to do things the hard way...he was just trying to offer - be nice for a change but apparently, the only use he had as far as she was concerned was to play tricks on and to come to her rescue.

It could be that he was still agitated from the fight and roaring for another one. Or he was hurting and ready to snap at anything that challenged him. It's what wild animals did and his brother had always accused him of being half-wild.

Well maybe if he hadn't been raised to fight for his life, he might have been more refined as Gifford was. Ass.

This line of thought was not helping his temper one bit. Nor did the tightly clenched fingers on his hand as he tried to control the nerves that were strung quite tightly right now.

Fortunately, they exited the edge of the trading post and crossed onto Hogwarts' grounds. While normally, he'd retreat to his hunting cabin to splint his fingers and try to fix his teeth, he doubted that the school's healer was going to let him off the hook so easily. Thus, he walked - well, stomped up the walkway to the castle, keeping her in sight to make sure she made it back. Head injuries could be so tricky... 

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Once they were out of the trading post, Astrid diverted more of her focus to her balance as they walked up the path to the school. It was either a lightheaded feeling or a touch of dizziness, she couldn't quite be sure but for one thing it was making it a challenge to not seem like it was effecting her as much as it really was. Pride wasn't going to let her give in and ask for help and her ego wasn't going to speak up about the subject either. She had gotten them into this mess after all, both her pride and ego at fault for most of it but neither would admit to it.

Damn men, all three of those drunken jerks. Should be lucky she didn't go back and get her armor to really give them a beating they wouldn't soon forget but then with her head injury maybe that wasn't the best idea. No doubt she wouldn't be up to full strength between fits of dizziness that were becoming more and more frequent and possibly if her identity wasn't found out she would at least be in as just as bad of shape as Godric, broken bones, bruises, and all.

Maybe it was the lack of focus on her part, maybe the road was a bit slick from a change in temperature and moisture in the air due to altitude, maybe she was trying to keep up at his increased pace while he let out his frustration and need of another fight, or maybe simply put her body decided it needed to protest the foolishness of her actions during the night right at this moment, the combination of a head injury on top of the number of drinks she had consumed at the tavern.

For whatever the reason it happened rather suddenly and without warning. Astrid felt her foot slide out from under her just as she put weight on it to take her next step and she felt her body begin to fall forward. Automatically she reached to grab on to something to catch herself while bracing for an impact with either the cold ground or whatever she managed to stop her fall with. What she found herself grabbing on to was Godric just in front of her, her hands grabbing hold of his arm as she fell forward against what she assumed was his back. 

"Sorry, I lost my footing for a second. Must be something slippery on the ground" Astrid said, not just yet straightening up or moving from how she had fallen against him. The room? no they were outside there was no room so was it the world itself then that was spinning for a second from the motions of her near fall. This time at least it had been an honest mistake on her part and from what she could see she hadn't hit against his bad side, maybe. Hopefully this wasn't going to make their already rocky connection even worse, she hadn't intentionally stumbled and nearly fallen.

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Godric was so into his thoughts that he didn't notice until too late that his companion was not in the best state. When he suddenly felt something on his arm, (still in combat state) he spun back to combat whatever was trying to attack him from the rear - only to find that it was her having 'slid'.

Yeah, sure. That's what she said. He didn't buy it for one minute - especially since she'd yet to really 'get up'. Shaking his head slightly, he moved to settle her up onto her feet just so he could get a better grip on her. He could have more easily thrown her over his shoulder and carried her that way, he didn't think she should be like that with a head wound. Might make the blood pour out faster or something.

No helping it. He was going to just have to carry her the hard way.

"It's fine. We'll just stand here a moment and catch our breath." He assured her gently, taking three breaths before dropping down and picking her up in his arms to carry her up to the castle. "Don't struggle. It'll only hurt us both more." Godric said soothingly, a characteristic he had more from dealing with his horses and dog than actual humans.
"Just relax. We're almost there and then Lady Hufflepuff can get us patched up." He promised.

He just hoped that she wouldn't get too mad at him for interrupting, completely forgetting that only a few hours ago, he'd helped his very drunk friend to bed. While he could do battlefield patch-up, it wouldn't be anything pretty and girls didn't tend to appreciate scars, which he would likely leave if he had to close the wound in her head.

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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
Hearing his voice take a softer note Astrid couldn't help but follow along with his instructions. Now that she was close to him again she could smell his unique blended scent, a mixture of nature, beast, and simply Godric. She took a few slow breaths, the smell soaking in to her nose and lungs with each intake of air and soon she was feeling both the world under her feet and her mind settle back into place and carefully raised her head to look at Godric.

Only she didn't see him, not how she expected until she was suddenly scooped up off her feet and in his arms. Astrid went ridged, her body preparing to struggle only to hear his request not to or risk hurting the both of them further. His tone once again gentle and soft compared to his usual tone and for some reason it had her natural reaction suddenly frozen then defused. She managed to hold it back but remained somewhat stiff in his arms. Arms she never thought would hold her like this or any other way ever and guiltily she didn't want to leave once they did make it back to the school. 

Astrid didn't know whether to apologize or thank him as he held her, both probably but his next words had her detoured in another direction. Despite the tone this time her reaction couldn't be frozen and she looked up at his face not far above hers. "W..wait. Its too late and no doubt Lady Hufflepuff is sound asleep by now. Just go up to the infirmary and I can walk you through what to do for my head, step for step. I may have a head injury but I know my line of work well enough to do it in any condition. If you can heal my head I should be able to get the rest of us patch up so no one has to find themselves concerned about our rough state in the morning" She said, pausing to stare up into his eyes. "Please. I know I've caused you enough trouble tonight but I don't want to cause anymore or get anyone else involved. My pride, stupid really but I would rather not cause anyone to worry about me." Her voice was softer, her guard finally lowered away nearly all the way with a tone of honesty and pleading circling her words

Was that asking too much of him to do? She could only assume he didn't like to let the other founders as well as their collection of students now see him in a beaten and bruised state judging from when they had their encounter in the infirmary before. She too would rather avoid the others seeing her a bit roughed up, it gave the impression that while she was determined at her job she put herself at risk of harm and could be a potential hazard to herself. Scars she could handle no problem, she had quite a few of them across parts of her body from various injuries. It was fresh new injuries when they weren't so easy to hide from peering eyes that she didn't like to have in sight of anyone.

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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 223
When she mentioned Lady Hufflepuff being asleep, it struck him, finally, that she was asleep. And drunk. They certainly couldn't summon her now. Was Rowena capable enough to follow directions?

Actually, the bigger question would be, would she take directions? Rowena liked being the smartest person in the room and someone telling her how to do something might not go over well. Unfortunately, he didn't know if her skills were up to everything they would need.

He nearly laughed. Rowena was brilliant. Of course she could do it. Might take her a few tries but she would do it.

"Unfortunately," he said, "We're going to need some kind of help. I'm not going to be of much use until I splint my fingers so we're going to need an extra set of hands."

They reached the front doors and Godric realized their issue. He could not open it while holding her. The doors were rather large and kinda heavy. They really needed to get some kind of spell that would open them when someone approached. Then again, that could be a serious issue for security. Something to think on later.

"I'm sorry but you'll have to manage on your own for a bit while I open the door. Here," He walked her over and gently set her down on her feet up against the wall so she could lean against it. "Just stand here and I'll be back, okay? I'm sure you're a bit dizzy but the wall will hold you up. I know the person who made it you know. They made it just for this reason - to help people stand taller than they ever have before." Godric gave her a wink before stepping back, pausing a moment to make sure it really would work.

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Astrid opened her mouth to protest, honestly not wanting to bother anyone with the matter and knowing she would make it work somehow on her own. She had done it before and in a worst state, surely she could do it just fine again. Only she didn't get to respond as he paused in front of the school's grand doors and her train of thought stepped back.

She could see the problem in front of them now, he couldn't open the door holding her and as unsteady as she was on her feet she wouldn't be able to open it without some help with her balance. Astrid was trying to think of what they could do when she felt Godric move and with great care set her down onto her feet against the nearby wall. She looked up at him as he tried to reassure her things would be ok, her back for now leaning against it while her feet did what they could to keep her upright. While encouraging, his words stung at something in her mind, her independence and maybe more so her stubbornness that didn't like to be helped like this. As if she was a helpless woman who couldn't do anything to protect herself, far in fact from the woman she had tried to make of herself.

Astrid took a few breaths, knowing she needed to something, help in someway instead of just standing here. She had combat and healing training so surely there had to be something she could do even in her current state. Looking down at his broken fingers than at her cloak she got an idea and hopefully she could get her body to do it before she was hit with another dizzy spell. 

She took hold of the inner lining of her cloak and with as much strength as she could put into it she jerked hard until a piece ripped free. Not wanting to lose the momentum she had going, Astrid reached out for Godric's hand with the broken fingers. Her vision was a touch blurry but with steady hands she lined up his fingers together and wrapped the cloth around them to hold them in line together. It wasn't quite a splint but it would help out with her idea if his fingers were as straight as they could be. 

Astrid swayed a little as she moved one of her hands away to grab her wand from the inner pocket of her cloak. She thought of using the bone mending spell, brackium emendo but unless you were clear minded and focused it was easily miscast and instead of repairing his broken fingers Godric would find the bones in his fingers gone instead. Astrid wasn't sure she had the potion on hand or the inventory to make a bone regrowing potion, it hadn't been one she had to use often so it was better she not try to chance it now given her state. A couple episkeys would have to do and hopefully be enough to at least get them to the infirmary.

"Hold still" she said though her tone was more suggestive caring than demanding, simply put she wanted to do something that was well within her ability even if her current state was more resembling a meeting with the ground at any moment. With a determined focus she pointed her wand at his fingers and produced as few episkey spells to his broken fingers. It wouldn't fully mend the bone but maybe repair it just enough to give him some working ability with his hand and fingers.

"There. I figured that way maybe I could be of help instead of just standing here being useless. The only other option I could think of was if you held me while I took hold of the door handle and we both pull it open together but I figured you would have preferred this option instead. You get to have a macho hero moment of opening it yourself and save the day." Astrid said as she let go of his hand and lowered her wand away, trying to lightheartedly tease the situation but she felt a bit of regret afterward. He didn't have to help her but he was. She didn't have to protect him stupidly with her own body but she did. Overall there had been quite a few reasons they were like this but poking at him wasn't going to help either of them much even if she wasn't meaning to in a bad way "Sorry, I was just trying to lighten the air with a joke. Give your hand a try to see if it was enough, if not I can do a few more healing spells until it works well enough to get us inside."

She took a small half step backward, her free hand moving to brace herself on the wall before her feet could stumble her into it. The last thing she needed was to bang up her head any further and make it worse on herself and Godric who didn't have to but was helping her out a great deal more than she would have assumed given how he felt about her.

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Godric had never cared to have his injuries healed magically. Honestly, if he was stupid enough to get hurt, then the pain was a lesson of it's own kind. Visible stuff, yes - he hid that for appearance's sake but he rarely actually healed them. If only anybody could see what was underneath the mask that he wore daily to hide exactly what his life had been like over the years. Maybe that made him vain but he thought of it more as public relations. Nobody was going to want to learn from a grizzled, scarily scarred man. While hands were harder to hide than a face, he thought those gave him character. After all, who would believe that a dueler/knight would have soft hands. It would make him a disgrace!

Thus, he wasn't pleased when she just healed them without permission - just so she could avoid having to face someone else in this condition. Didn't she understand that he was just trying to get her the best help available instead of his make-shift healing spells? What if her head wasn't clear enough to explain what she needed or, worse, passed out, leaving him alone to manage it?

And then the shot she took about him trying to help him being a manly moment instead of a chivalrous one - it just rubbed him the wrong way.

But then, she'd had a head injury. Likely she was just babbling and unable to express herself in the proper way. He had to keep that in mind in order to keep the irritation from showing.

"Thank you," Godric said, flexing his hand a few times. "This will work just fine." The fingers did feel a bit better than they had. He could have easily opened the door even with them broken but if it made her happy, then so be it. So he did just that. And as soon as the door was wide enough for them both to fit through, he scooped her up again and headed inside. Godric carried her over to the bell pull to summon a house elf, requesting of the creature that it close the door behind him since his hands were a little occupied. The elf said nothing, simply bowing and rushing to follow orders. They couldn't leave it open or they left themselves exposed. It would also invalidate certain protective spells he'd lain on the castle. No matter how he felt right now, he would never let his guard down when it came to his students' safety.

"Up we go then," he said lightly, heading for the Grand Staircase to get her up to the infirmary where they could get fixed up.

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Registered: Dec 2021

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"I can finish completely healing your hand and the rest of your injuries once my head has been treated" Astrid muttered though how much had actually left her mouth she wasn't sure. Her head was wasn't hurting nor her shoulder but she couldn't feel anything either, like her whole body was numb and slowly growing heavy. Reaching up she tenderly touched the tips of her fingers to her head, feeling for the wound. If she knew how bad it was she could try to figure out if help was really necessary or if between the two of them they could get it treated well enough. She had faith Godric would do fine with her guidance, despite the fact that he seemed to not like her he was still helping her with a gentle enough hand. He would have left her to fend for herself otherwise and the same could be said about her, she wouldn't have defended him in the fight is she truly disliked him.

She winced as her fingers brushed over the sensitive damaged skin of a decently size gash just by her hairline, fighting through the temporary stinging to feel how bad it was which thankfully wasn't as bad as it felt. It would unfortunately leave a bit of a scar but she wasn't worried so much about that. Scars happened, they were part of the lesson of life and it wouldn't be the first or last one she had nor did she care if they were visible or not. She may need to spin a better story on how she got them to make them sound like she earned them a bit

Moving her hand away she looked at her fingers not seeing any signs of fresh blood, at least for the moment she saw them before her feet suddenly left the ground and Astrid found herself in Godric's arms again. She flinched, her arms automatically coming up to hover over her chest protectively for a moment before easing up realizing she was in no immediate danger. Well she was in danger but of the emotional kind, a danger that would be hard to heal with any assortment of spells and potions if she wasn't careful.

Astrid was left little option but to take in the man holding her securely as they moved through the corridor towards the grand staircase. There was no mistaking the loud draw to him, physically he was rugged, well seasoned, loyal, and handsome. Making him much like a warrior or fighter, fierce and strong in battle and no doubt just as strongly fierce in bed. He was nothing like the stuck up nobles she had met before, there was something different about him and no matter how many times she told herself nothing could possibly come between them she couldn't shake him from her mind. He didn't want anything to do with her but she couldn't stop trying to meet him part way even if they both ended up annoyed and mad. Why was that? What about Godric made him both so irritating yet so desirable? Even now as she looked up at him something inside her was screaming at her to lean up to take a taste of the skin of his next so tempting above her or even more his lips just a little higher. 

When he shifted, adjusting her just a little as he began to climb the stairs she was thankfully jostled from those heated tempted thoughts in her mind. It had been a close call, she had nearly given in but with the remaining amount of luck on her side she had managed to resist. He hadn't made it easy with his warm muscled arms cradling her against him, the muffled sound of his heart beating in his chest just load enough for her to hear as she resisted resting her head against his chest. She had to otherwise it was very likely she would give in to her desires and while she would at last find the answers to a lot of the questions circling her mind it would put a bigger rift between them. Big enough everyone else would be able to notice and she didn't think either of them would be up to explaining what the cause had been.

By the time that made it up the stairs to the floor of the infirmary Astrid had her eyes closed as a small wave of dizziness had swirled around her mind and threatened to bring up everything in her stomach during the trip up the stairs. Maybe she had indeed too much to drink tonight, while it was far from her usual limit maybe she had consumed too much too quickly as she tried to get under Godric's skin. That or it was the head injury spoiling what was supposed to be a cozy buzz for the rest of the night. Maybe it was that, after all now she was going to wake up with a bit of a headache but one not from all the alcohol. Just great. Well, at least it was just that and not something like having Godric stuck on her mind all night now that his scent was soaked into her nose and his touch was burned into her skin. Damnit mind, this is hardly the time for this and besides he doesn't like me or see me that way.

"When we get to the infirmary, if you could head to the back of the room where the cabinets of potions and my desk is located. Before anything I could use a drink of water and there should be a full pitcher with a couple of goblets sitting by my desk already so we don't need to bother another house elf for some. Your welcome to it too if you would like, plenty of it there for the both of us I think. We can then move on to whats next after that" Astrid said a bit quietly so it was just audible between the two of them. Not that anyone was around to overhear them but given what time it was currently it was more of an automatic adjustment. Living with young children who slept lightly through the night she had acquired a more quiet and stealthy way of getting work done during the night without disturbing them and it sort of carried over to her job at the school now.

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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 223
Godric just made a noncommittal noise when she said she would fix his hand and other injuries when they got to the infirmary. His first priority was her, of course. That was the right thing to do. She was hurt considerably more than he was. Especially depending on how injured her head were. He'd seen men take a hit to the head and seem perfectly fine and then never wake up the next morning. If that were to happen now, his friends would never forgive him. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself, to be honest. She was young and had people depending on her. Her loss would be wide felt, something he simply couldn't allow.

As they headed up the stairs, he cursed the changing stairs. While it had seemed brilliant when Rowena had first suggested it, now that he was trying to get somewhere, it was simply a pain in the arse.

Fortunately, the infirmary wasn't far and with his well collected memory (for now, at least), they were able to make it there in short order. Once inside the room, Godric lie her out on one of the beds as far from the door as possible. They didn't need someone walking in needing help, only to find their healer out of commission. At least with her away from the door, he would have time to summon Rowena for help while he stalled whomever it was.

"Stay here, I'll get you some water and then we can move on from there. Do not go to sleep, no matter how much you want to!" He insisted, rushing towards her desk where he could see the table where the pitcher of water and goblets were waiting for someone in need of them. His hands shook a little as he poured while he silently scolded himself. It was just - every time he needed to play healer - it was because the situation was life and death. While that wasn't the case right now, it just brought back all those moments.

His hand still quaking a little, he returned to the bed where he had deposited Astrid. Kneeling down by her bedside, his hand went behind her head to gently support it while raising the cup to her lips. If she was dizzy, it might be hard to drink on her own and he didn't want her to spill all over the place. She obviously had her pride but, as Godric had learned, they all needed help once in a while. It took real strength to ask for help when you needed it instead of just blustering through.

Though, while he'd learned the lesson, he often had trouble applying it to his own life. Instead, he encouraged this fact to anyone he thought needed it.

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