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Rowena could appreciate Salazar's reason for tardiness given she had been doing something along similar lines before ushering her students off to bed. A well-rested mind was sharper come morning after all. She simply nodded to him as she sipped her wine. The thought of food of any kind was upsetting her stomach. No, wine would suffice for now. She nodded to Helga as well, knowing full well if she were going to improve upon the enchantment she wouldn't need the help of the shaggy knight who happened to have done it first.

As far as she was concerned she wasn't sure what they would be celebrating. They had a long road ahead and couldn't afford to 'celebrate' every evening past. She would much rather focus on business and go to bed for her beauty sleep. But alas she could feel the excitement brimming from both Helga and Godric, and she supposed to some extent from Salazar as well.

"I propose business first if there is any to speak of," she said in a clear and crisp voice. Her fingertips were tapping against her goblet as she tried to maintain interest. "Then you can get your celebratory energies out and we can all go to bed."

35 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

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Salazar looked up from his little snack at the mention of business, from Godric no less! If anyone had anything to say, he would have expecting Helga or Rowena - mostly Rowena but just because her mind was always working and she tended to think of things that the others didn't even know were problems yet.

But Godric saying there was business...and his semi guilty look towards Helga before looking back down at his food contemplatively made Salazar sigh, knowing that whatever it was probably wasn't going to make the others happy. Great. Salazar looked back down at his plate and was suddenly questioning how much of a party this was going to actually be.

"Wait, why do we need to order more candles already? We just received a shipment of cases of them!" He proclaimed. "We had a surplus this morning. What happened that we now need more?"

Not that Salazar was concerned about the cost. It was more that he wanted to make certain their fortunes weren't be wasted on frivolous things so they could better direct those funds in productive efforts. This school needed to be cost effective for the future, in case something happened to the four of them. Whomever took over might not have untold funds at their disposal.

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Helga smiled as she raised her goblet up to take a drink. "I can't take any credit for the snack options tonight, I offered the house elves the chance to prepare us something on their own with the simple advice it be on the light side." She said, pausing to take a drink. "They didn't do too terrible of a job for their first late night snack on their own. The wine choice by them tonight was an excellent one."

Smiling she took a bite or two of her shortbread, easing herself into a tired work mode for the most part. Helga reminded herself to take her time with the wine tonight, she was exhausted and wouldn't be able to hold her usual limit. She went for another drink from her goblet with the subject on her mind when she heard Severus concerned question about the candles.

Helga glanced at Godric then turned back to Severn. Well, it wasn't quite business but since he didn't know about it, may as well start off with it she thought guiltily. "It was a last minute idea of mine for the great hall, maybe one of the last few good ones my mind is capable of making in my current state. Sir Raine did an amazing job on the ceiling but the room was still rather dark even if the fireplaces had been burning, so I thought hovering some enchanted candles throughout the space would brighten things up while not taking away from Sir Raine's work. For now it was decided to do just half the room in candles since we don't have a full room of students yet and therefor dont need to light up the whole room but eventually I did want it all done. We used a good number of candles on just half the room and while they are enchanted to never melt or need to be replaced, we will need more later for the other half of the room but I didn't want to worry you or Rowena about the supply numbers getting all messed up with this last minute project of mine." 

"So since Godric decided to take over the project for me with Sir Raine I had them put in an order for more candles for me using my funds to replace what was used for the ceiling and then some extra we can put aside in another place for now and then use when we are ready to do the other half of the ceiling" she explained calmly. "I made a note that it didn't need to be a rush delivery as we shouldn't need them immediately as far as the general supply. Also that despite a concerned friend taking the project over for me to decrease my workload, I insisted on paying for it as it was my idea to use the candles from the supply in the first place and he was not to use his own money for this in an attempt to be a gentleman in the moment."   

With that she glanced at Godric, hoping he had followed through with her request she had given Merrick to pass on to him as she took a small sip of wine. They both knew he would be in deep trouble with his brother if he tried to cover it himself and as much as she appreciated it, his gentlemanly assistance was not necessary this time. If he had paid for it instead of with the money she had given Merrick to give him, Helga would promptly shove it into Godric pocket herself. It was that or send it to Gifford but then he would have still gotten into trouble as he tried to figure out why their sister-in-law was sending money on his behalf.

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Rowena's delicately sculpted brow rose slightly as Salazar seemed oblivious as to why candles had been used. It wasn't like him to not notice fine details and where else would all of those candles floating in the Great Hall have come from but their stores? She turned her pale gaze on her best friend however when she said she was paying completely out of her own pocket.

While she approved of keeping Godric from spending more money, it should be shouldered by all of them, not just Helga. She clicked her tongue at the woman and shook her head. "Helga, you shouldn't think to do everything by yourself, just as Godric shouldn't either," she chided with a surprising softness that she held for her closest friend. "I wouldn't have minded pitching in for something we obviously will be needing."

The witty woman looked over at Salazar, wondering if he agreed with that statement. He was also against Godric spending more funds given how horribly his brother treated him because of it, thus would have likely done the same thing as Helga, insisting on paying for it out of his own fortune. "Things like this are bound to come up from time to time and I would prefer to deal with it as a group if possible," she stated firmly. They were supposed to be a united front and they needed to remember that.

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Registered: Dec 2021

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"Ah, I thought it seemed a little brighter in there," Salazar remarked, now that he thought on the matter. But the candelabras had been on the staff table so he hadn't really thought of it much other than that maybe Rowena had come up with some crafty little spell to enhance the candle light to a brighter degree. He had not even noticed any changes to the ceiling, to be honest. His attention had been on the students and their condition. That was his ultimate concern.

Yes, normally he took in detail with great interest, wanting to know everything around him, the people were what mattered at this time - as far as he was concerned.

Rowena seemed a bit put out about being cut out of the decision on the candles. Salazar nodded in agreement with her, setting his plate and goblet down on the floor (since he could safely do that with Rhiannon not in the room), took out a small ledger book that kept the tallies for their supplies and made the appropriate adjustments. While he wasn't the official record keeper (there wasn't one), he tended to keep track of everything possible.

"As long as it will be replaced within the quarter, I believe we won't run into any issues," he said after some calculations. Making certain everything was in order, he nodded and restored the book to his inner jacket pocket.

"And yes, I must agree with Rowena. This is our united venture and we all must be given equal opportunity to handle any crises that come up. Perhaps decisions must be made on the spur of the moment but at the next possible opportunity for us to discuss things, it is only right that you give us the chance to make it pencil out. I don't want us eventually comparing or boasting about who put more into what because that only leads to problems down the road." He said gently to Helga, trying not to look at Godric, who he knew was a little sensitive about this issue. "Let's just not make this habit, is all we ask.

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"I know" Helga said with a sigh, her gaze looking down at the table and her shoulders slumped down a bit in reply to Rowena, her tone similar to the one she had developed whenever she was about to be lectured by her friends out of concern. She was still expecting to get politely chewed out by her best friend for what happened earlier. Unless Godric hadn't told her about her nearly collapsing to the floor that is. She glanced at him a moment as she took a drink from her goblet, trying to catch him looking guilty or anything. 

"I figured because it was my idea for the room I said I wanted to take charge of its design and since Sir Raine's ceiling enchantment was sort of last minute so too was the candle situation. I didn't think to consult about the costs since we haven't fully disclosed that for our own spaces we wanted to do for the school. Thats all I had in mind for this, that it was for the school and the students throughout the years, the cost was the last thing on my mind honestly" she continued to explain, then paused as she compiled her guilty admission that needed to be said. She overworked herself and they knew it as much as she did. It was getting those words to sound loud enough in her mind at the time to prevent herself from stepping over and well beyond her limit that seemed to be the trouble. "I would have probably had the whole thing done and the candle order taken care of without worrying any of you but after I had a very tiny small not worrisome at all lightheaded moment, Godric took the project over for me and thats why he went to you for help with levitating the candles in the dining hall." Helga had tried to throw in as much as she could to help divert the need to cause a fuss about her moment of lightheadedness, knowing full well what the cause had been and that they had all warned her to be careful about it. She looked at Rowena, giving her best friend the familiar look that said boldly she knew she was in trouble similar to that of a guilty wide and bright eyed two year old getting caught with promises to not do it again or at least try not to do it again. She was known for forgetting promises like not overworking herself or taking things easy. With the school open though, maybe she could find the will to ease up on her workload. After all the house elves had a good understanding of the kitchens now and all they needed from her was the daily meal menu which shouldn't be to difficult to do. It was just a matter of her will power being able to resist grabbing at it to help with. 

Hearing Salazar too point out decisions like the candle order should be done as a group rather than an individual one, Helga gave a nod followed by a sigh, setting down her goblet onto the table. "Alright, going forward. No purchases for the school or students without consulting the group for a combined pool to pay for it. Perhaps the same could be said for any major projects going forward as well, must be a group decision for those. Maybe we should try to do either a monthly or bi-monthly inventory check and set one of our scheduled meeting days to put together orders and whatnot for the school. Just so we are always on top of it as far as we are able to. Like we have already experienced, our location does sometimes cause some delivery delays when we have to order something outside the trading post" she said, her face more or less back to its usual state of smiling warmly with the added touch of the dark circles under her eyes. "So, with umm that little bit of news out of the way, whats the next point of business?"   

115 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

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Godric was amused that Helga tried to brush over her slight moment of weakness with the addition of other news. He noticed the look of concern Rowena flashed at her when the woman admitted to the mistake. Salazar didn't look so much concerned as annoyed - nothing new there. It was just the way they were all made - each with their own strengths. They each tried to hide their weaknesses, even though the others knew each other well enough by now to know where they were. There really wasn't much hiding from each other, in the end. Helga was simply Helga - working herself to the bone. Rowena obsessing over her appearance and so dedicated to her studies that she gave herself terrific migraines. Salazar was sneaky, always looking for an angle to make things better no matter what it cost to do so.

And him...well, he wasn't sure about his own weaknesses but the others likely did. It was just a matter of their friendship that made them as familiar as their own hands.

When Helga pushed on that there was other business, Salazar eyed him suspiciously. Godric repressed the sigh he felt, grateful that he'd had the afternoon to think about what to say now.

"Ah yes, there's only one matter of business that I am aware of at this time. Sir Raine has made a request for sanctuary for his elder brother. A scholar as well as a war hero, Maximus needs to go somewhere he will be safe so that he can heal from his wounds. He thought that this was an excellent location for such, a place of higher learning and peaceful setting that will afford the man some peace of mind. Not for free either; he is certain that if there was a small task of sorts for Maximus to do in order to keep him occupied, it would be a great help in the process of healing.

"Nothing too strenuous, of course, but just enough to keep himself occupied and earning his keep. As a bonus, the Raine family is a good one with a great deal of influence amongst the magical community, not to mention, they do have a daughter about the right age to come to school. While their father has yet to send Moira, it is Sir Raine's hope that with a positive report from Maximus - the eldest son - Mannix might be convinced to send her and maybe encourage others who were hesitant before now."

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Rowena pursed her lips together as she weighed Godric's words. While she could appreciate Sir Raine's talents that were now on display in the Great Hall, it was quite the ask for a place for his brother who might be well out of his mind from war. She had no idea about this elder brother as she didn't know Raine well, and wondered how well Godric knew the man and if it was enough to vouch for him.

With slight irritation she took a sip of her wine, her fingernails tapping gently against the side of the goblet as she set it back down. Perhaps it was the long day wearing on her mind but she was wary of this.

"This is a school, not a hospital," she said after letting Godric finish. "It is a great undertaking that is personal to all of us. Is there such a thing as a small task here?" She laughed a little sharply before cutting a glance between those gathered. There were plenty of tasks but none were anything she would consider small.

"You say he is a scholar and yet you speak of him as though he is fractured, would he be able to handle putting in work here? What is the extent of his injuries that he is healing from?" she asked one question after another. "What I mean to say is, dearest Godric, do you know the man well enough to vouch for him or is this just based on your relationship with Sir Raine?"

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Salazar was, indeed, a little perturbed that someone would assume to request something of them when they had already given him a job, a roof over his head, and the food in his stomach. And now they were saying that he'd done something else, which granted him a little leeway but as Salazar did not see as how effecting the scenery was something boon worthy to now ask them for this.

Then again, Godric was right. The Raine family was quite the prominent one - especially in Ireland. His own homeland had sent so few students but Mannix had quite the reputation there. A few words in the right ears...

And they were pureblood. If, indeed, the man could be convinced to entrust all three of his offspring to care at Hogwart's, it would be a sign to others that this endeavor was no mad lark, as Salazar had heard it laughed about at the last reunion he had been to. While it had stung, Salazar was all about making this endeavor successful at any cost. If his pride took a hit, needing the approval of others to make it a go, then he would grit his teeth and endure - for now.

Unfortunately, Rowena was correct. There were no small tasks here. Salazar had no idea what condition this brother was in - what he was capable of. "Several good points, Rowena.

"However, Godric also does have one in the fact that this family is a relation to a great many wizarding families. It could be a terrific boost to our student body. Can we really afford to turn a single body away, if it grants this sort of opportunity?" Salazar posed. He could only imagine the wonder if he could score the littlest one for his house. What a feather in his cap that would be!

"But," he said, noticing the relieved smile on Godric's face. No, my friend, he thought. I'm not quite sold yet. "Rowena's points are still valid. We do not have time for our nurse to be caring full time for an injured man. Nor are there any small tasks. So what is it you suggest he do to earn his keep? What is he even capable of, at this point?"

77 Posts
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Registered: Dec 2021

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Helga gave a small nod as Godric brought up Merrick's older brother. She had almost forgotten about the conversation she'd had with him about the matter and guiltily at the time she had nudged the idea aside to think of later as the important focus of dinner consumed her mind and focus instead. Helga picked up her goblet again as the pair thought over the next order of business, wondering if she should top of her wine or just stick with the third that was still in it. She hadn't quite begun to feel her usual giddy sign she had gone past her limits with the tasty adult beverage so she could still handle a little more, maybe.

When Rowena and Salazar made their points about unseen difficulties but also some positives as well on the matter. Helga took a drink, letting the new information collect and blend with what she already knew. Each side had a point after all and it was a matter of seeing which way the balance was leaning more towards so that they could make a decision they wouldn't regret. Not to say Merrick's brother would be terrible but it was a person none of them knew well enough to make a good judgment call on.

"Hmm, well I think Sir Raine mentioned he wrote to his brother under the premise to tour and lightly investigate the school for their father to help provide his opinion of it and if it would be a good place to send their younger sister to come learn. But it was also to give him the chance to reignite his sense of life in a way as he came here to help us teach new generations of witches and wizards. There has to be some hidden talents or strengths in him that could prove useful in perhaps a subject to teach or job to look after. There is no saying we are required to give him a job just as he arrives, we can interview him and test the waters a bit as we did with the rest of our staff. Having another staff member here to maybe take just a bit of the workload off our shoulders would help and I'm sure we could find him a place somewhere depending on his strength and ability level. We shouldn't be counting him out just because we assume he is weak and to frail to do some kind of work, there may be some hidden strength or energy he simply can't express at home so its built up over time" she replied cheerfully, hoping the subtle hint it would ease some of the work and stress off of the four of them would add some points in favor of the new staff member. She was all for giving someone a chance before counting them out, Helga would even be willing to give up one of her own duties if that something Merrick's brother was suited for. It would reduce how often she overworked herself and that would make them all a little bit more relaxed on the subject. 

"What do we have that maybe we could appoint someone to do? We could have him tend to the grounds as the groundskeeper, look after the animals in the stables and small farm, they will need some tending too with help from the house elves. Maybe help with taking care of the library and assist students with finding books, I'm sure he would agree to follow any organization plan you want to put into place and make sure it stays that way. It may not be all that necessary but perhaps an overnight watchman to patrol the halls, once we have more students we may need the extra eyes to make sure no one is out wandering the corridors unnecessarily. Not that I'm assuming any of our students would break a rule like that but one never knows in the future or how strong the temptation to sneak out late at night is on a young mind" She continued, pausing to take a drink of wine. Helga was smiling as she set it down, a faint tint of color coloring her cheeks. "I'm sure we could come up with something once we know his level of ability after all. We can't count him out before we have even met him after all, there is a chance he could surprise us with something we least expect." 

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