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Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric)

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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
Astrid paused part way across the room, knowing, no feeling his eyes staring at her back and she willed herself not to turn around. Not until she could be sure the bright flush of color was gone from her cheeks and her heart calmed down from the racing state it was pounding away at in her chest at what she had just done. She had kissed him, just kissed him after trying tell him off that she didn't want to be strung around as a makeshift replacement. And even more he hadn't pushed her away to stop but had joined in with the exchange for a few seconds before she had done the pushing away. And what an unforgettable exchange it was even if it was only a few seconds. There was the familiar taste of mead on his lips but something more but the exchange hadn't been long enough for her to get a good enough read on it.

Never had she thought to do that with Godric. Ok, maybe she had but it hadn't been out of anger like that. Astrid wasn't sure what had made her kiss him honestly. Part of her wanting to see if he truly was just lying to himself and he did want to do something about the desires between them. Maybe it was to make him truly mad with her, tell her off so she could be sure that nothing would ever happen, needing that harsh reality from him beyond the words he had already attempted to use to convince her. Yet even now he said nothing and she was wondering if she needed to brace herself for his response to her sudden kiss when he came at her and backed her against the wall fuming with anger as he yelled at her for her inappropriateness or perhaps in the other direction he decided that the short mildly heated kiss wasn't enough and wanting more, he ended up ravishing her against one of the walls to his hungry content. No, no that wasn't likely to happen. He was mad and his intent made clear he wanted nothing romantic and maybe after all this nothing at all to do with her outside their interactions as employee and boss.

Eventually Godric finally spoke, those few seconds of silence feeling like hours and what he had to say was a mixture of an order, a request, and a plea accompanied by the anger still burning inside him. She didn't say anything, remaining still and silent as she listened to each of their breaths before his foot steps carried him from the room and she was left by herself. Astrid resumed her steps forward, pausing by the table to pick up the pitcher of water and cloth he had been using to clean her face off.

It was now she finally turned and looked towards the closed door. Well, she had done it and she had her answer. Nothing could come of this blended desire of hers for something with him. He didn't want it or rather wouldn't let himself want it so she needed to give it up and move on then. He was a stubborn man and apparently would rather carry on with his lonely nights alone then give them a chance to see if the desires they felt were just physical need or if there was more there they could uncover and find together. 

Astrid gripped the cloth tightly in her hand, unaware of the tears welling up in her eyes. Not until she felt a few tears glide down across her cheek leaving behind a warm wet trail. What the hell was she crying for? It wasn't like she was some lovesick girl that had her heart crushed or something. She had gotten her hopes up maybe, hard not to when it came to someone like Godric. She had never come across someone like him before, his looks, dashing and handsome in a rugged but attractive way but also hid away his age well making it seem like he was younger than he was. He had a decent head on his shoulders and a good heart in his chest though maybe a bit of a flirt but had a good sense of humor and a smile that warmed even the chilliest of nights. So what about all that suddenly drew her in so hard? Gave him the ability to get under the well place guard and rattle her stable state of mind and emotion? Made her for the first time in her life begin to think about the idea of finding someone to share the remaining years of her life with together. 

The sounds of howls sharply brought Astrid back to the infirmary and out of her mind. She jerked around to look towards the windows, half expecting to see something staring back at her. Really though, they were up several floors so their was no chance of that happening. Still, the howls almost sounded like they were directed in her direction and as if they were a siren's call she moved across the room to the windows, brushing aside the curtains just enough to lean her face forward to look out at the grounds down below. At first she didn't see anything, the area too dark now so late into the evening but then she took note of something just at the edge of the trees, an animal of some kind dart into the cover of the forest but it was to dark and whatever it was had moved too quickly to see clear enough just what it was. She didn't recall hearing if there were wolves or dangerous creatures in the nearby forest and she could only assume the founders had thought of some kind of ward to keep them away and the students safe.

Wondering if she was just imagining the whole thing, her mind a shambled mess after what just happened, Astrid let go of the curtain and stepped away from the window. Turning around she walked back across the room to her desk, subtly wiping away the tears from her face along the way. Despite saying she would get the help of a house elf to assist with her shoulder, she didn't and instead took care of it herself with a few episkeys then applying an herbal paste to the area as best as she could. It wasn't perfect but at least if the joints or muscles had been damaged both would be taken care of between the healing spell and herbal mixture on her skin. With some luck she would even avoid a bruise forming on the area.

She looked around the room while pondering if she should go to bed now that her injuries had been treated and she had finished cleaning the blood from her face and hair. No, there was no way she was going to be sleeping tonight, dreams of impossible scenes would play through her mind all night but at least she had a few potions she could make, some herbs to grind up, and then write down some notes that perhaps would occupy her through the night. At the very least maybe keep a certain someone off her mind for the rest of the evening.

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RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - by Astrid Gudrun - 11-19-2022, 05:52 AM

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