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Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric)

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Registered: Dec 2021

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There it was, his anger and emotion out in the open instead of held back. Astrid could feel it practically burning in the air around them as they faced off. Because it was not going to make her back down, instead it only pushed at her to keeping going and push harder right back at him. 

"Do I know how it would look? Of course I do and honestly I see nothing wrong with it when it comes to us! I've seen larger age gaps in couples before, there is nothing scandalous or wrong with a few years difference between a couple so yes I'm going to say its fine and part of life. It only becomes wrong and disgusting when there is more than a twenty year gap between two people, the marriage is forced, and more often the girl is still a child herself. Last time I viewed myself in a mirror or looked back on my years of life, I would say I am far from the age of an innocent child and if I was going to start something romantic with someone it would be my choice. I had to grow up quickly at a young age, forced to face something a child shouldn't have to so forgive me if I don't share the same view you do in regards to me being to young. In fact I feel far older than my age given what trials I have been through but unlike you Im not going to use them as an excuse to avoid being honest with myself. I wouldn't bat an eye at what others would think anyway, most of the trading post at this point think I and my family are vikings. If anything I would be the shame brought to you not the other way around should something happen between us romantically" she explained, gripping her own anger back to keep her mind and words clear.

"So no I don't see anything wrong should something happen between us but apparently your the one who gets the only say on the matter. Last time I check, romance was something between two people and it was a shared experience when done for the right reasons. The only thing your 'pushing' on me is a load of horse dung about we can't because your older than me and because your a second son you can't get married." 

She hadn't realized she had taken a small step closer to him, to wrapped up in trying to make him see reason he seemed to be blind to. "Whatever your convincing yourself in your head about whats so wrong about this isn't true. Your comparisons don't even make sense when I see you now. You look nothing like the so called old man you are assuming to be, your simply experienced and well traveled, a man that has seen the world and lived through good and bad while carrying a few scars but looks far too handsome to be a normal mortal man. You are far from the feeble old man image you are trying to cloak yourself in to give reason why something can't be between us. An old man wouldn't have done what you did tonight during that fight nor would they project the energy and life that you do when your excited and happy about something. Your in your prime of life, handsome, charming, and the very best example of what any woman would dream to have embrace her each and every moment day or night, there is nothing old about you nor will there be for many more years to come."

"As for marriage and money. First off, no one said we had to get married. If this was a romance between us we could go at our own pace, courting one another in our own way, and if marriage was something we wanted we could go for it when the time was right. Second, why would it matter to me whether you have money or not? If its not already apparent I don't exactly come from a life of wealth and luxury myself nor have I ever felt a need for one. So long as I have a roof and food for those depending on me I am just fine. I make due with what I have or find a way to earn it myself. And no thats not something we do in my homeland, its something I do because thats what I believe in. I don't need money to be someones wife or paramour, I would just need that person by my side and together we would figure out how we would survive and thrive going forward. Face challenges, debts, and rumors together."

Astrid could feeling her grip tighten on her wand in her hand. Stupid man! Stupid Stubborn man! Why couldn't he just see she didn't care about the formality of all this. If this strong feeling between them, fighting to be heard was something they needed to take hold of what did it matter if it looked improper to others, what mattered is what they thought, right? What business was it of anyone else if they wanted to exchange hearts despite their differences? 

"Is it improper and impossible for something between us just because of our differences or is it because you don't want the one your heart really longs for to know you moved on to another?" Astrid asked after a short pause. She wasn't sure at first what made her say it but for some reason it came to her mind just then. It suddenly made sense why he was trying to use stupid excuses like age and money to explain why nothing could come from this strong desire between them. "Thats what this is isn't it. Its nothing to do with position, duty, age, or responsibilities. Your hurting for one you can't have so your trying to find a replacement but still remain hopeful the one you really want will come to you. You decided to find someone worthy of some physical desire to play around with emotionally while you waited, not caring how it affected them so long as it got you what you needed in the end. Well, don't let me stop you from the one you really desire. By all means maybe they can better understand your male stubborn stupidity and controlling ego, I for one don't have plans to be a temporary stand in for someone else at the cost of my feelings so you can count me out to fill that place for you." 

"In fact let me free you from the desire and temptations that you feel for me now so you can have a clear mind when you go next meet with your desired paramour." Astrid suddenly reached up with her left hand, ignoring the pain in her shoulder from the movement as she grabbed hold of the front of his shirt and with one hard jerk she pulled Godric's face down towards her own as she leaned up to meet it part way, pressing her lips against his in a passionate kiss. It was hard not to sink into it as their lips melded together in those few short seconds, remembering the feeling of his arms holding her and wishing they were there around her again but she had to stay strong and resist it.

She pulled away after a few seconds, slightly out of breath but determined to give him what he wanted since he stubbornly wasn't going to see reason. Not just letting go of him, she raised her wand up to his face, directing the tip towards his broken nose then this mouth while quickly casting the episkey spell to heal the injuries to his face. Lowering her wand and letting him go at last, she roughly grabbed his uninjured hand next and shoved a small bottle of essence of dittany into his palm. She let it go only to grab the wrist of his injured hand and give it another episkey spell on his broken fingers to further mend them. "There, unless you have any other injuries that need my attention that is all of yours seen to and healed, be sure to take that essence of dittany before going to bed. While I could care not whether you darken my door again voluntarily or not do remember I am here to heal injuries and ailments of those in the school, mostly for students but that also includes yourself should you manage to rough yourself up again. We don't want the students to see you banged up and want to go playing heroic foolish knight by trying to imitate your actions, not to mention the female students that will be drawn to your desires if you are not more careful with expressing it." 

Ok, maybe that last bit was an unnecessary jab at him but she was mad and maybe hurting a little. At this point she just wanted him gone before reality hit her emotions and she couldn't hold it in and out of sight anymore. She had tried to warn herself and more importantly her heart from doing something as stupid as trying to form some sort of connection to him but it did so anyway. She wasn't supposed to connect with someone emotionally like this, her priority was her job and her siblings above herself but of course it happened and maybe with the one person she wasn't supposed to or even deserved to.

"If you'll excuse me Sir Gryffindor, now that I have finished treating you I need to go finish treating myself before cleaning up for the night. And no I was not intentionally hiding it from you with the thought you would be incapable of healing it, I had every faith in you and your ability to help treat my injuries or I wouldn't have let you do what you did for me already without a bigger fuss" she said, trying to reign in her blended mix of emotions that was pressing against her heart and her eyes to be let out but she wasn't going to let them, not until he was gone and she had no witnesses to see her in such a vulnerable state.

"I simply put it off to the side temporarily because the injury to my head seemed a bit more important at the time. Not to mention I thought perhaps it would have made you uncomfortable to check and treat my shoulder given I would have had to remove part of my dress in order to properly look over the area in particular and put the both of us in an improper position should someone come in. I had even intention of getting it treated tonight, just perhaps with the help of a house elf after you left so I wouldn't have to put you in an uncomfortable position of doing it yourself when it seems like you are already in a state of discomfort around me. Not that you need to worry anymore, I'll be sure to avoid any further unnecessary interactions between us from now on. Goodnight Sir Gryffindor, hope the rest of your evening goes well." 

Her piece had been said and if she stayed staring at him any longer she would be tempted to either say more or kiss him again. His scent was surrounding her, soaking into her nose and she needed to break free of it before she ended up doing something foolish again. Astrid calmly and without moving her gaze staring at Godric took a side step out of his path, then at last she turned away from him as she stepped past him heading in the direction of the back of room, her shoulder certainly wasn't going to treat itself.

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RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - by Astrid Gudrun - 11-18-2022, 06:32 AM

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