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Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric)

115 Posts
6 Threads
Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 223
Godric looked at her, disbelief in his eyes as she assured him he was doing fine. If she hadn't felt the shaking of his hands, he wasn't going to bring it up but he was anything but alright. As she gave him the instructions to find the potions they would need, he tried to remember their locations. Unfortunately, when he'd been digging through before, he hadn't exactly been paying attention to anything but labels.

He did give her a partial smile at her playful comment. Though it wouldn't be a surprise to his friends as to what he'd been up to tonight, he doubted they would be so happy about it happening to Astrid. If Salazar had found out, he'd be searching for the men at his first opportunity, likely to curse them so badly they could never make another attempt on a woman again. Salazar might not have his chivalrous streak but he did have a vindictive one when someone hurt something or someone that belonged to him. Members of their school staff would fall under that. So yes, better that the others didn't find out about this outing either.

Pulling himself back, he forced himself to focus on her descriptions of the potions and their locations. His memory wasn't half bad, fortunately. He might not know how to make the potions but he knew them on sight. As for healing her with episky, it was going to be a hard pill to swallow - telling her that he had no idea how to do that spell. Still, there was time for that later. For now, he headed over to grab the Wide-Eyed and the WH potion, as well as a towel to dab the latter on. He was focused, if still a little nervous.

Honestly, he really should stay the night with her, just in case. What if the potion for the concussed didn't work? It wouldn't hurt him to stay and keep her entertained. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be hurt at all. If only he was better, more focused, faster...he could have prevented the injury but had taken for granted that his reputation would proceed himself; that the idiot that had attacked them would stay down as Godric had suggested. Fool! Both him and the man who'd attacked her. Maybe he was less the fool for coming to her rescue but he shouldn't have had to do it in the first place. He should have done the right thing and come after her right away instead of waiting a few moments to see that there were those with evil in their hearts out to ruin someone's night.

What kind of knight was he, really?! Letting that sort of thing go. Honestly!

He was disappointed in himself but there was still time to make it up to her. If he could fix her up properly, then there need be nothing said further on the subject.

Returning to her bedside, he first handed her the Wide-Eye to take while he opened the purple to dab a little on the cloth.

"I will get some water just as soon as the potion stuff his done. So I just dab this on, yeah?" He asked, for clarification. He was grateful that they had insisted on plenty of light in this room so that he could see the spot. "Or did you want me to clean it first?"

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RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - by Godric Gryffindor - 11-12-2022, 08:17 PM

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