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Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric)

60 Posts
3 Threads
Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
"I can finish completely healing your hand and the rest of your injuries once my head has been treated" Astrid muttered though how much had actually left her mouth she wasn't sure. Her head was wasn't hurting nor her shoulder but she couldn't feel anything either, like her whole body was numb and slowly growing heavy. Reaching up she tenderly touched the tips of her fingers to her head, feeling for the wound. If she knew how bad it was she could try to figure out if help was really necessary or if between the two of them they could get it treated well enough. She had faith Godric would do fine with her guidance, despite the fact that he seemed to not like her he was still helping her with a gentle enough hand. He would have left her to fend for herself otherwise and the same could be said about her, she wouldn't have defended him in the fight is she truly disliked him.

She winced as her fingers brushed over the sensitive damaged skin of a decently size gash just by her hairline, fighting through the temporary stinging to feel how bad it was which thankfully wasn't as bad as it felt. It would unfortunately leave a bit of a scar but she wasn't worried so much about that. Scars happened, they were part of the lesson of life and it wouldn't be the first or last one she had nor did she care if they were visible or not. She may need to spin a better story on how she got them to make them sound like she earned them a bit

Moving her hand away she looked at her fingers not seeing any signs of fresh blood, at least for the moment she saw them before her feet suddenly left the ground and Astrid found herself in Godric's arms again. She flinched, her arms automatically coming up to hover over her chest protectively for a moment before easing up realizing she was in no immediate danger. Well she was in danger but of the emotional kind, a danger that would be hard to heal with any assortment of spells and potions if she wasn't careful.

Astrid was left little option but to take in the man holding her securely as they moved through the corridor towards the grand staircase. There was no mistaking the loud draw to him, physically he was rugged, well seasoned, loyal, and handsome. Making him much like a warrior or fighter, fierce and strong in battle and no doubt just as strongly fierce in bed. He was nothing like the stuck up nobles she had met before, there was something different about him and no matter how many times she told herself nothing could possibly come between them she couldn't shake him from her mind. He didn't want anything to do with her but she couldn't stop trying to meet him part way even if they both ended up annoyed and mad. Why was that? What about Godric made him both so irritating yet so desirable? Even now as she looked up at him something inside her was screaming at her to lean up to take a taste of the skin of his next so tempting above her or even more his lips just a little higher. 

When he shifted, adjusting her just a little as he began to climb the stairs she was thankfully jostled from those heated tempted thoughts in her mind. It had been a close call, she had nearly given in but with the remaining amount of luck on her side she had managed to resist. He hadn't made it easy with his warm muscled arms cradling her against him, the muffled sound of his heart beating in his chest just load enough for her to hear as she resisted resting her head against his chest. She had to otherwise it was very likely she would give in to her desires and while she would at last find the answers to a lot of the questions circling her mind it would put a bigger rift between them. Big enough everyone else would be able to notice and she didn't think either of them would be up to explaining what the cause had been.

By the time that made it up the stairs to the floor of the infirmary Astrid had her eyes closed as a small wave of dizziness had swirled around her mind and threatened to bring up everything in her stomach during the trip up the stairs. Maybe she had indeed too much to drink tonight, while it was far from her usual limit maybe she had consumed too much too quickly as she tried to get under Godric's skin. That or it was the head injury spoiling what was supposed to be a cozy buzz for the rest of the night. Maybe it was that, after all now she was going to wake up with a bit of a headache but one not from all the alcohol. Just great. Well, at least it was just that and not something like having Godric stuck on her mind all night now that his scent was soaked into her nose and his touch was burned into her skin. Damnit mind, this is hardly the time for this and besides he doesn't like me or see me that way.

"When we get to the infirmary, if you could head to the back of the room where the cabinets of potions and my desk is located. Before anything I could use a drink of water and there should be a full pitcher with a couple of goblets sitting by my desk already so we don't need to bother another house elf for some. Your welcome to it too if you would like, plenty of it there for the both of us I think. We can then move on to whats next after that" Astrid said a bit quietly so it was just audible between the two of them. Not that anyone was around to overhear them but given what time it was currently it was more of an automatic adjustment. Living with young children who slept lightly through the night she had acquired a more quiet and stealthy way of getting work done during the night without disturbing them and it sort of carried over to her job at the school now.

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RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - by Astrid Gudrun - 11-11-2022, 05:18 AM

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