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Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric)

60 Posts
3 Threads
Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
Once they were out of the trading post, Astrid diverted more of her focus to her balance as they walked up the path to the school. It was either a lightheaded feeling or a touch of dizziness, she couldn't quite be sure but for one thing it was making it a challenge to not seem like it was effecting her as much as it really was. Pride wasn't going to let her give in and ask for help and her ego wasn't going to speak up about the subject either. She had gotten them into this mess after all, both her pride and ego at fault for most of it but neither would admit to it.

Damn men, all three of those drunken jerks. Should be lucky she didn't go back and get her armor to really give them a beating they wouldn't soon forget but then with her head injury maybe that wasn't the best idea. No doubt she wouldn't be up to full strength between fits of dizziness that were becoming more and more frequent and possibly if her identity wasn't found out she would at least be in as just as bad of shape as Godric, broken bones, bruises, and all.

Maybe it was the lack of focus on her part, maybe the road was a bit slick from a change in temperature and moisture in the air due to altitude, maybe she was trying to keep up at his increased pace while he let out his frustration and need of another fight, or maybe simply put her body decided it needed to protest the foolishness of her actions during the night right at this moment, the combination of a head injury on top of the number of drinks she had consumed at the tavern.

For whatever the reason it happened rather suddenly and without warning. Astrid felt her foot slide out from under her just as she put weight on it to take her next step and she felt her body begin to fall forward. Automatically she reached to grab on to something to catch herself while bracing for an impact with either the cold ground or whatever she managed to stop her fall with. What she found herself grabbing on to was Godric just in front of her, her hands grabbing hold of his arm as she fell forward against what she assumed was his back. 

"Sorry, I lost my footing for a second. Must be something slippery on the ground" Astrid said, not just yet straightening up or moving from how she had fallen against him. The room? no they were outside there was no room so was it the world itself then that was spinning for a second from the motions of her near fall. This time at least it had been an honest mistake on her part and from what she could see she hadn't hit against his bad side, maybe. Hopefully this wasn't going to make their already rocky connection even worse, she hadn't intentionally stumbled and nearly fallen.

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RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - by Astrid Gudrun - 11-05-2022, 07:56 PM

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