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Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric)

60 Posts
3 Threads
Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
Astrid had braced herself, her free hand moving to be ready to grab her wand tucked into the hidden pocket of her cloak when she had backed up against a nearby house wall. Cornered, like she was some common woman who couldn't look after herself. It left her little option but to use magic just to be sure she could get away unharmed should her strength not be enough. Normally it was but for some reason tonight she was finding taking hold of that strength a bit tricky. It had to be his fault too, ruffling and worming his way past her guard so she couldn't pay attention to her drinking. She couldn't have had as many as she thought she did, maybe it was a fresh supply and a touch stronger than usual. That had to be it.

She waited to counter an attack, only instead she heard someone shout out and quick footsteps approach from the shadows. Of course it wasn't who she thought would be coming to her aid, in fact he had been the last one on her mind to come to her aid but sure enough Godric moved to stand between her and the other two men. While she appreciated it, it still gave her a sinking feeling after the way they had parted that he was here around her again in all his stubborn yet charming glory to help her. Great.

Words were exchanged as well as a few hits between Godric and the two drunks, while they were insulting and rude she wasn't a stranger to the words so she let them slide off her shoulders like water off a duck's back. Astrid was looking for a way she could be of more use than just standing off to the side when she heard a groan and looked over to see the third man stubble back up to his feet. A glare in his eyes as he reached for a broken piece of wood from a nearby fence and began to approach Godric from behind. A cheap shot even for a drunk and something she suddenly found herself in need to stop before it was too late. 

Astrid moved forward quickly, her body acting automatically as she quickly blocked the attack aimed at Godric's back. She felt the wood connect with the back of her shoulder and part of her head as she used her body to stop the blow from hitting Godric but she was already in combat mode, putting the injury aside as she swung her body around, putting that force and strength into her arm as she swung her lute hard at the man's face. There was a loud smack sound that echoed in the silent air around them and she felt the wooden instrument connect with his face before sending him back to a crumpled lump on the ground. She stared down at the man, unaware that Godric had turned to look at her. Nothing really was except her focus on making sure the man in front of her didn't get back up on his feet. This was not how she wanted her night to end.

By the end of the fight, her lute was a nearly shattered frame of wood. The strings all broken and the neck was about ready to snap off. It was a lost cause to repair it at this point but at least she had remained unharmed. More or less. Her shoulder where the wood had hit was beginning to hurt and she could feel something sticky against her skin on the top of her forehead. No doubt she had a cut or something from the broken wood, she would have to check it out once she was back up in the infirmary. The men were gone at this point, carrying each other off to lick their wounds before drink away the pain no doubt, good riddance to them and those like them.

Astrid slowly turned around as she heard Godric speak, resisting the wince her eye wanted to make as the move made her head throb a bit. Instead she looked at him, unaware of the small trail of red going from the upper corner of her forehead down the side of her face. Internally it was a lesson she needed reminding of, stupidly using her body as armor without her actual armor on. She downright deserved the hit for being stupid but at least she had prevented him from taking the blow which could have been much worse when it would have been unexpected.

"I'm alright to walk up to the castle, they didn't do anything before you arrived and stepped in" she replied. Astrid paused to fully take in the state of him now that the fight was finished. Even in the dim lighting she could see he hadn't escaped fully unharmed though it didn't seem as bad as when she had found him in the infirmary. Still, he had come to her rescue despite how they had ended things in the tavern and she owed him for doing what he had, defended her both by words and honor against the ignorant drunken men. 

"Thank you, by the way, for coming to my aid." She met his gaze as she offered her honest and heart filled thanks, letting it sink in before she turned away to look at her broken instrument. With a exhaled sigh she tossed it into a nearby trash pile, offering a silent thank you to it as well for providing her just the right weapon to see her through the fight. 

"We should head back to the castle, I can treat your injuries before you go to bed once we are there. Its the least I can do after what you did for me" Astrid added as she turned back up to him. Once he was finished she could treat herself then get to bed, a good restful night sleep was just what she needed to put this whole night behind her.

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RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - by Astrid Gudrun - 11-02-2022, 08:26 PM

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