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Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric)

115 Posts
6 Threads
Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 223
She sounded interested, which was good and bad. Good because Godric hadn't wanted to bore her but bad because that meant he should probably go with the truth to keep up the tension and drama. Not that he was trying to impress her. He just didn't want all that build up for some let down. And truly, what he had done had been rather magnificent - if he said so himself...which he did.

"Well, there weren't many options, as I said." Godric grinned, leaning towards her as well. "Really, I could either let the mob in and show them that there was nothing magical about the household but there was always the chance that the mother had missed something. Or mistake something for a magical object when, in reality, it was just a broom for sweeping or cauldron for boiling soup. There was no choice, it had to be something quick.

"I don't know if you've heard but I'm a mad fast draw - the best duelers must be. No sooner I slipped into the one back window - no small feat for a man my size but I made it in without being noticed. Once inside, there was little time to explain. I quickly drew my wand when I reached my feet. The mother and I exchanged tense looks for a moment but she seemed resigned to whatever I had planned. With a nod of her head that I took as consent, I changed them both into little mice. Once they were safe in a relatively roomy pouch, I gathered the bags she had already prepared to flee and then fled myself out the window once more. Had the door between the front and back rooms not been closed, they would have seen me for certain!" His smile faded a bit.

"Unfortunately, to cover my retreat, I had to make some sort of distraction or they would have found me quick. With great reluctance, I started the roof ablaze, knowing that there was no going back for them. The house was lost to them the minute that mob had formed. Casting myself under an old cloak of invincibility, everything hidden away, I created the illusion of a great dragon appearing from behind the house." He laughed.

"You should have heard the villagers scream as they scrambled to get away from the house. I had it rise up from behind the house, circling it a few times before flying off into the distance though I doubt it would have mattered. They were so busy trying to get away that they likely never noticed how small it actually was or that the distance was to the opposite edge of town. Still, it worked. The family was safe." He sighed. "It was one of the better days I'd had in a long time. I brought the family to Lady's Moore's home where she fed them and gave them shelter until a home could be built on her land for them to live in. The boy...Thomas Mawbry. He thought it was most amazing adventure. I believe he's a Ravenclaw now. I checked in on the family a few times in the last few years - that boy is definitely deserving of that house. Quick as a wink. Maybe a bit forward with the ladies but I truly think he'll make something of himself." Godric laughed again. "Of course, I say that about all the students so I suppose my recommendation means less than it should."

There, a full story. Some exaggerated but it was close enough to the truth that she wouldn't think poorly of him - hopefully. While maybe that had been a bit harsh towards the ignorant villagers, this version was a lot better than what had actually happened in the end. But that story never needed to be told.

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RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - by Godric Gryffindor - 10-14-2022, 08:06 PM

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