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Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric)

60 Posts
3 Threads
Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
He was a penniless knight? Well that was certainly something Astrid hadn't thought to hear. Though to be fare she knew little about noble families, knighthood, and an assortment of other social mumbo jumbo in this country and she wasn't all that enthusiastic to learn it all at the moment either. So to make it clear he was from a noble family and a well respected and known knight but he had little to no money? It sounded odd even in her head but then again she knew nothing on the matters and it seemed in her minds best interest to let it go for now.

Straightening up from her leaning position against the bar counter, she moved back the few steps to the table and her original seat hoping the few moments would give her something else to talk about, a change of topic that would be less dangerous then picturing the two of them enjoying the night conning the locals with his deadly feet. Something her younger self may have enjoyed before she took a firmer hold of her responsibilities and future. 

It seemed though Godric was thinking of the same thing for no sooner had she sat back down in her chair did he pose a change of subject and one directed back at her and her more personal life. Astrid was tempted to raise an eyebrow curiously, taking a drink from her tankard instead to ease the feeling away. She had assumed he wasn't all that interested into getting to know her, judging from his search for an escape earlier but maybe in a rush to get the aim off himself he grasp at something quickly and it just so happened to be her. Well at least it wasn't something so would need to choose her words over with carefully, in fact she could even have a bit of fun if she could manage to get under his skin with a playful image or two that not many men would willingly resist picturing.

"I do" Astrid began, cupping her tankard between her hands for now as she faced him. "I managed to learn a good variety of dances during my travels before my family settled here a few years ago. I wouldn't go calling myself very good at them but its more about having fun than anything and helps reduce the stress or rough patches of a busy day. Too often during the summer I couldn't help myself but go deep into the woods and dance fully nude under the full moon just to release some pent up stress from a busy few days." She raised her tankard to her lips and pretended to take a drink as she hide a small smirk from view. She had sounded so calm and pleasantly serious during her explanation and no doubt a few listening ears around the room suddenly had several gears turning in their mind over her words. 

Acting as though she hadn't just said something a bit to blood heating Astrid lowered her tankard down to her lap, a soft simple smile on her lips. "While I haven't done that since I became employed at the school, I have guiltily done a little dancing in the infirmary while I was setting things up, needing a break from the constant still standing as I stock the shelves or organize various papers and forms in my desk for the coming year. While its not the same feeling, it has helped me keep in shape a bit better than nothing at all and I thought it inappropriate now with the school open to try any swimming in the lake. Unless your used to it, the water can be a bit too cold for many and I wouldn't want anyone getting sick trying to imitate me taking an early morning swim. I'd rather just stick with healing students not be the cause of needing to be healed by my selfishness to stay a bit fit. I can't blame anyone but myself after all, Lady Hufflepuff's cooking is just far too good and I often cant help myself to additional servings or second desserts at dinner. I don't know how you all get by having such a wonderful cook here, I might have to ask for some personal lessons to improve my own skills. I'm not as good as I would like to be when it comes to cooking level."

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RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - by Astrid Gudrun - 10-11-2022, 03:26 PM

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