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It's a Hit...Sorta (Founders)

77 Posts
2 Threads
Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
As Helga listened to the trio seated around her try to explain the idea of competition among the students would be good for them, she knew the two that would try to convince her but she hadn't fully expected Rowena to be fully on board and siding with Godric and Salazar. Then again, she knew how her best friend dipped into her own competitive nature when it came to book education and increasing her own knowledge, if she had something to gain especially to gloat in a friendly manner over them she did tend to go for it. 

Needless to say, once her friend had had a chance to reply and try to convince her the idea would be more beneficial to their new students then she was seeing, Helga had finished the wine in her goblet and unfortunately her minds decision had not been swayed no matter her friend's efforts. She had just witnessed one too many times what competition did to people and she didn't like it. Though most of her examples had to do with a magical race versus witches and wizards but it was still something that had made her see enough of the darker side of people. True, not everyone turned into a bully or a power hungry git but it did happen and it was especially present in adolescent children and young adults, when that odd age between becoming an adult changed you physically, mentally, and spiritually. They had all been through it during their own growing up but somehow they thought it was a good idea to put more effort into bringing out in the students here? And Peer Pressure? Honestly? That was just asking for trouble if only just as much.

"Seems I am outnumbered" Helga said and she leaned forward to set her empty goblet onto the table. She stood up, only to sit back down a moment later in what looked as though she was just readjusting her seated position. In reality, she had felt her balance sway as soon as her feet were bearing her weight and she had just luckily enough gone backwards into her chair instead of to the floor or into the table. A rather nice spot of luck she realized. "I concede then, go ahead with your competition among the students and houses. However I will make it clear now, any incident of students bullying, belittling, or purposefully threatens another no matter what the house for the main purpose of strengthening their own ego and beating them in this competition is to be given an equally fitting punishment both to the individual and the house, no exceptions. If we are supposed to be setting an example for the students in our house, they should be made clear that we do it for fun, harmless and to a certain level, never to intimidate harshly, unnecessarily harm, or put people down because they want to win."

She sat back in her chair, arms folded across her chest and she wore a soft stone expression as she looked more at the center of the table then any of her friends, not quite mad but just a touch so with a hint of upset. They were supposed to be bringing wizard kind together by teaching the younger generations yet it seemed important to make a competition happen to encourage further learning growth? I didn't make sense to Helga but she gave in anyway. Her friends had often given in to her silly ideas and plans in the past that they were deserving of a few from her. Didn't mean she had to be happy about it, mildly drunk or fully sober. "So, how are you proposing we keep track of rewards and punishments between the houses? We can't very well hire someone to be in every room of the castle just to keep count of awarded rewards or punishments. I suppose we could write a scroll each time with the students house whether it was a good point or bad and collect them all up into the sorting hat to tally together at the end of a time frame such as two weeks or a month then the winning house gets the reward before it all resets for the next one" She asked.

Messages In This Thread
RE: It's a Hit...Sorta (Founders) - by Helga Hufflepuff - 06-30-2022, 11:24 PM
RE: It's a Hit...Sorta (Founders) - by xdragon - 03-17-2024, 06:27 PM
RE: It's a Hit...Sorta (Founders) - by xdragon - 04-03-2024, 03:25 PM
RE: It's a Hit...Sorta (Founders) - by xdragon - 06-26-2024, 10:55 AM
RE: It's a Hit...Sorta (Founders) - by xdragon - 08-26-2024, 11:29 AM
RE: It's a Hit...Sorta (Founders) - by xdragon - 12-23-2024, 05:38 AM

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