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Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric)

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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
Astrid braced herself as they finally reached the infirmary after what seemed like twice as long as it usually took, darn moving staircases. Yet it wasn't from any pain or dizziness, just the simple and maybe silly hesitation that Godric would bring her all the way to her room at the end of the infirmary just past her desk opposite the supply room. Rather than stay in separate quarters away from the infirmary hers was connected to it, further helping her to be on hand at any time of day if someone arrived in need of her healing. Currently it was a little messy in her room and embarrassingly she would rather no one see it in its current disheveled state. It was odd how she could be very organized and tidy just about everywhere and with every task except when it came to her private quarters. Maybe because it was her own place to really let down her guard she could lose that habit as well. Regardless, she wasn't about to let anyone see its current state, not until she could get in there and tidy it up.

Surprisingly, when Godric finally laid her down it was on one of the patient beds closest to her office and work space. Astrid could only assume being the noble knight he was he dare not go into her private quarters or be set ablaze or sent to the deepest pit in hell or whatever unspoken belief it was knights believed about entering a woman's room. She didn't dwell on it long as he said something about not sleeping before going to get her some water. In all honesty it irritated her, not helped any by her current state.

"I'm hardly foolish enough to fall asleep with a head injury. Do you honestly think I would do that given what I do for a living?" she said, a mild snap to her tone. Really, what kind of healer would she be if she decided now was a good time to take a nap. Only an idiot or someone stupidly drunk would try to sleep in her position and she was far from either of those.

Astrid exhaled a sigh as she tried to relax and focus on staying alert and more importantly awake while she waited for Godric. When he returned, kneeling down beside the bed she looked at him and felt her irritation slowly burn itself out. His hand came around to the back of her head, steadying her but she could feel a light tremble in his touch. His hand holding the goblet too had just a hint of movement as he brought it up her lips for a drink. What was he suddenly so nervous about? Surely he had done this before if not for a women then for his fellow knights and troops he traveled with. So why was he trembling? Did he have a bad experience treating someone in the past? She looked into his eyes but found she couldn't quite see the answer well enough, but it was enough she realized she needed to say something, do something to try and pull him from whatever it was before he sunk in too far.

She raised one of her hands up, gently covering his hand holding the goblet and pausing it before it reached her lips. "Its ok. Your doing fine. Just take it one step at a time and together we can get ourselves patched up before anyone finds out we were beating up drunks down at the trading post in the middle of the night" She said calmly and gently, a soft smile formed on her lips before she helped his hand bring the goblet to her mouth for a drink. Hopefully he wouldn't take her small tease at the end seriously. He seemed to be in need of a perk up and joking about their mild tussle at the trading post had seemed like a decent enough subject to tease about. She just hoped it wouldn't make things worse.

It was a heavenly drink indeed, cold and crisp it flooded liquid down her dry throat and perked her mind back up a bit better. Astrid slowly finished the contents of the goblet before helping guide it away from her. "Have some yourself too, it will help your body's natural healing" She said encouragingly. She slowly let go of his hand holding the goblet and carefully shifted herself back and up until she was sitting upright slightly. Taking a moment to breath through a lightheaded feeling she looked at him once it had passed. "When your ready, if you go over to the two cabinets of potions, you know the ones I caught you looking through before. In the one to the right, top shelf second from the left should be a bottle with a purple colored liquid inside, the label should just have the letters W and H. You may remember it as the one I used to heal the gash on your side. After you get it there should be a green colored potion on the shelf just below it labeled 'wideye', that one will help if there is any concussion. There should be some freshly folded towels in the top lower drawer of the left cabinet if you want to grab one of those for the purple potion and that should be all you need to treat the injury on my head along with an episkey or two" She explained, carefully speaking clearly and slow enough so it would make sense. "Once we are done with me we can see about getting you patched up."

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Godric looked at her, disbelief in his eyes as she assured him he was doing fine. If she hadn't felt the shaking of his hands, he wasn't going to bring it up but he was anything but alright. As she gave him the instructions to find the potions they would need, he tried to remember their locations. Unfortunately, when he'd been digging through before, he hadn't exactly been paying attention to anything but labels.

He did give her a partial smile at her playful comment. Though it wouldn't be a surprise to his friends as to what he'd been up to tonight, he doubted they would be so happy about it happening to Astrid. If Salazar had found out, he'd be searching for the men at his first opportunity, likely to curse them so badly they could never make another attempt on a woman again. Salazar might not have his chivalrous streak but he did have a vindictive one when someone hurt something or someone that belonged to him. Members of their school staff would fall under that. So yes, better that the others didn't find out about this outing either.

Pulling himself back, he forced himself to focus on her descriptions of the potions and their locations. His memory wasn't half bad, fortunately. He might not know how to make the potions but he knew them on sight. As for healing her with episky, it was going to be a hard pill to swallow - telling her that he had no idea how to do that spell. Still, there was time for that later. For now, he headed over to grab the Wide-Eyed and the WH potion, as well as a towel to dab the latter on. He was focused, if still a little nervous.

Honestly, he really should stay the night with her, just in case. What if the potion for the concussed didn't work? It wouldn't hurt him to stay and keep her entertained. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be hurt at all. If only he was better, more focused, faster...he could have prevented the injury but had taken for granted that his reputation would proceed himself; that the idiot that had attacked them would stay down as Godric had suggested. Fool! Both him and the man who'd attacked her. Maybe he was less the fool for coming to her rescue but he shouldn't have had to do it in the first place. He should have done the right thing and come after her right away instead of waiting a few moments to see that there were those with evil in their hearts out to ruin someone's night.

What kind of knight was he, really?! Letting that sort of thing go. Honestly!

He was disappointed in himself but there was still time to make it up to her. If he could fix her up properly, then there need be nothing said further on the subject.

Returning to her bedside, he first handed her the Wide-Eye to take while he opened the purple to dab a little on the cloth.

"I will get some water just as soon as the potion stuff his done. So I just dab this on, yeah?" He asked, for clarification. He was grateful that they had insisted on plenty of light in this room so that he could see the spot. "Or did you want me to clean it first?"

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Astrid watched as it seemed like Godric was contemplating something, he had smiled at her tease so at least he wasn't completely locked up but it would have been nice to see inside head at the moment and hear just what was going on. Was he kicking himself for what happened or was he kicking her for getting into trouble in the first place? To be honest, she hadn't given the three men enough credit for catching her in the first place, had she focused on losing them they wouldn't have been able to corner her as they did. Foolish on her part and some on Godric for getting under her guard and distracting her as he had. The man should have just stayed away from her instead of this back and forth play on her mind and giving her heart too much false hope for something. Maybe she should have thought to settle down before now, she certainly wouldn't be feeling so easily swayed by the temptations created by her mind and heart when it came to desirable men, especially those that clearly were off limits in more ways than one.

She adjusted herself again while he was away collecting the potions, wedging the pillow under her so she could sit up not completely but at a slight angle that at least she wasn't laying down were there was the temptation to fall asleep or gave someone else the opening to pin her to the bed and ravished her lips as he lay down on top of her. No! No, mind stop that right now, now is definitely not the right time or place for this and certainly not the right subject either. He doesn't like you or see you even remotely close to that so stop it now before you get hurt with your hopes too high she reminded herself. Where was a drink when you really needed one? 

When Godric returned and asked to clarify what to do with the potion, she was tempted to give her head a shake no but managed to refrain it else risk making her head worse. It was calm for now, the dizziness gone with help from the drink of water. She took the offered wide-eye potion, carefully popping off the small cork and drinking it down as swiftly but gently as she could. It wasn't the best tasting of potions but if it kept her head on straight it was worth the bitter herbal taste. 

"Not quite. You pour it over the wound, just a little drizzle and hold the towel just under the wound to catch any run off. It will not be as effective if you try to apply it to an injury soaked in the towel" she answered, glancing at the purple potion in his hand for a moment than back up at him. "I wouldn't worry about it unless it looks like it needs to be cleaned. I don't think I got anything up near it after the hit and a simply towel and water will be good enough to clear away the blood thats there after the wound is heal. Just give me a heads up when your about to pour so I can brace myself. As you already know that can sometimes be a bit painful and I don't want to suddenly jerk or move if it catches me by surprise."

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Godric's face cringed a bit. Way to show how green you are in the healing arts by not knowing what to do! He scolded himself, crinkling up the towel a bit so she didn't notice his mistake (hopefully). "Alright, then brace yourself. I'm going to do it." He wanted to get her fixed up as quickly as possible. At least he didn't have to put stitches in. Honestly, he couldn't have done it as straight or as clean as he would have preferred, leading to scarring. While he doubted that she was un-scarred, there weren't any on her face and he figured that might bother her a bit more than ones in places more easily hid underneath clothing.

Gritting his teeth, he managed to (barely) steady his hands enough to lean forward over her. Putting the cleaner area of the towel just underneath the gash, he poured the potion over it. Maybe he used a little more than the drizzle she'd prescribed but at least it wasn't too excessive (he hoped). Maybe his hands weren't as steady as he'd convinced himself they were. At least the wound was closing more quickly than it would have taken him to stitch it up.

If she made any noise at the treatment, Godric had blocked it out as he had done on the battlefield. When men are crying for help, entreating God to help them in their time of woe, while you tried to treat them, there was a good chance you would break down yourself - something he simply couldn't afford in that moment.

Godric didn't move until he was certain that it was healed fully. Now they just had to hope that the other potion worked to keep her safe. "Looks all right. I don't even think it will leave a scar but do you need a mirror to make certain?" He offered, knowing how vain women (in general) could be about their appearance. Had this happened to Rowena, she would have been having kittens. It seemed their healer was made of stronger stuff, which was good to know. "I can easily grab one when I get some water to clean you up. And grab some water for myself. Just tell me where I can find it." He didn't want her to think that he was ignoring her instructions completely, even if water wasn't his favorite drink.

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Even though Astrid braced herself to feel some sort of pain from the potion she still winced muffling a blended mix of a groan and whimper between her lips as her hands curled into fists. She hadn't even noticed he had come forward closer to her, leaning in to better apply the potion to her head injury while eliminating nearly every bit of space between them. Had she, well for one thing she would have tried to hold in her expression of pain in reaction to the potion just to prove a point it wasn't as painful as he had experienced. Just a little teasing poke at him that she had a stronger tolerance to pain than he did, then again given what he was doing for her now, it didn't seem right to tease him about pain tolerance when he was listening to her instructions and following them without so much as a challenge or complaint. Maybe they both had hit their head back there at the fight or else healing someone else was something he had a bad experience with and didn't like to do it. He was being awfully cooperative despite their parting in the bar being not the greatest.

Once she was used to the pain, Astrid opened her eyes and came to realize what she hadn't at first. She struggled to keep still while trying not to overthink or panic as she starred at his form hovering over her with less than a breath between them. It wasn't her breath, she couldn't breath with so little space between them without risking her imagination and her urges flooding her mind with things they could be doing right now. No, she needed to keep her mind clear for now, she still needed to gather the strength to make sure his injuries were healed up as well. 

She took a breath when Godric leaned away finally putting some needed space between their bodies. Astrid was tempted to reach up and touch the spot again to feel for herself how well the potion had healed but she held off for now, not wanting to seem like she needed to test his ability to follow her instructions. She had faith he had done a good job and she wasn't in any immediate danger anymore of it bleeding again. 

"No, thats alright. Whether or not it leaves a scar I don't really care, scars never bothered me no matter where they are and perhaps its one I deserved for acting so foolishly in the first place. I could have shielded you from the attack with something other than myself, my lyre or something from the ground nearby would have kept you from getting an injury to the back of your head or neck and I wouldn't be in a position where I can't perform my role and job as the school healer to repair the injuries you received by coming to help me" Astrid replied, her gaze not moving away from his as she spoke. There was a hint of regret in her tone, wishing she hadn't gotten him into all this trouble in the first place. "Go ahead and get yourself some water and sit down to rest for a bit, the wide-eye should only need another minute or two before it clears away the effects of any concussion possibly in my mind from the hit. Then I can see about getting you patched up now that you finished with getting me back into working condition."

 She knew that she wasn't being completely honest right now with Godric, she was ignoring the pain in her shoulder and would continue to do so until she was alone. It honestly hurt more than her head but since it hadn't bled it hadn't been anything to raise the alarm about. Instead she knew a big dark bruise was forming there at the very least, possible minor damage to the muscles and nerves but for sure at least nothing felt broken or dislocated. That was the last thing she needed him to notice, he seemed upset enough as it was that she had ben hurt.

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Registered: Dec 2021

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For a moment, Godric seemed convinced that she was regretting defending him at all. He tensed, wondering if whatever had pissed her off enough to make her leave the bar had been too damaging to what little relationship they might be able to have. He didn't understand exactly what he had said to upset her but if it was enough to make her dismayed at helping him when he'd tried to help her...

No, he couldn't be upset. She was a woman and it was his duty to help her, no matter what.

Fortunately, she went on to explain that she didn't exactly regret helping him but rather the way she had done it.

"You were caught up in the heat of the moment," he said quickly. "We never know what we're going to do when we are in that situation. Instinct takes over. We can make the wrong choice or the right but the fact that you acted at all says a great deal about your character. Most women would have likely let me take the hit so I'm grateful you defended me. I'm not so certain things would have ended so successfully had you not. So, thank you." Godric nodded his head in a partial bow before turning away to grab a drink. He was resolved to let the potion kick in before raising a fuss about her trying to heal his wounds. After all, nothing was really bleeding. Bumps and bruises healed with time as would his fingers. While he had a class to teach the next day, his fingers were partially healed so he should be able to perform what he needed to do.

Pouring himself some water, he drained a goblet, wanting to leave enough to clean her off. Having quenched his thirst, he brought a fresh towel as well as the remaining water in order to clean away the blood for her. It had been a few moments so he figured the potion should be well on it's way to finishing up the damage.

He headed over to the bed where she was, ready to kneel down again and tend to the slight mess on her face. No reason for there to be evidence of their activities, just in case someone came in. "Here, let me get the blood and then you can get up and clean up what little mess I made. I don't think I put anything out of order when I was looking for the stuff but I'm sure you'll want to check - just in case."

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Astrid was taken aback by his thanks, not the actual words but the feeling embracing them and then he had actually bowed a little towards her. She was thankful a moment later when he turned away because for a brief moment a hint of color tinted on her cheeks. "Most women are too weak willed to grasp at the power they have inside them, giving in and giving up too early without even trying. Idiots. Why just stand there and let someone coming to your rescue take an unfair hit to the back of the head during a fight. It was the least I could have done for you after coming to my rescue was to protect your blind side from a backhanded attack like that" she said in a soft mutter, not really sure he had heard her. Women were too soft and weak willed, lacking a backbone but maybe that was thinking a bit to forward of her. Learning to at least defend yourself was something she had learned at a young age, both a magical and physical. She made a point to make sure, insist actually, that her siblings not just the girls learn that same lesson. While it was understandable to freeze up in the moment, at some point you had to break free of that and defend yourself or you were going to end up worse than just a couple bumps and bruises to your body and ego.

 She exhaled a sigh, now that he was away the air was a bit less heavy and distracting with his scent she felt her mind slowly piecing itself together. The potion would have taken full effect by now and she could faithfully get up to make sure he was taken care of before getting to any cleanup. Carefully she shifted forward on the bed as she sat upright, swinging her legs over the side and braced herself to stand up slowly when she found herself stopped quite suddenly when she realized Godric was standing right beside the bed and right in front of her now. 

It took Astrid a moment to refocus herself, a bit surprised by his sudden appearance but maybe that was just her not paying attention and he had been there the whole time. Thankfully she managed to catch the last bit of his words and it was enjoy to kickstart her mind back awake again, tilting her head back to look up at his face instead of his body in front of her. "I'm sure its not as bad as you think, unlike last time you knew what to look for instead of blindly rummaging. We all make messes especially in cases like this where its unfamiliar and your feeling the urges of an emergency situation" she replied. She had wanted to refuse his help with cleaning off the blood, finding it as a lesser necessity then finishing repairing his broken fingers and seeing to his various bruises but he was already standing in front of her and with his scent once again filling her nose and mind she found her will somewhat less strong as it had been just a moment ago.

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Registered: Dec 2021

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As it happened, Godric did not hear what she had to say about women. Ultimately, he would have agreed with her with only a few exceptions to the rules but as it was, he hadn't heard and thus, he hadn't the opportunity to assure her that not all women were like that. Their students wouldn't be either, by the time he was done with them.

When he returned with the water and cloth, he was a little surprised to see her sitting up. Godric was tempted to ask if that was the best idea, if maybe she shouldn't give the potion a few more minutes to kick in. However, she was the healer and should know better. If it wasn't advisable, surely she wouldn't be so foolish as to rush her own recovery when she was so needed by not just the school but also her siblings.

Looking down, he couldn't help but notice (again) that her hair was somehow shining in the light of the infirmary. He'd noticed it in the tavern but thought it had been a trick of the light. She must keep it rather clean in order for it to do something like that! It looked rather soft, so much so he was tempted to reach out and run his hands through it - or he would if it hadn't been contained. And what would that lead to? He only put his hand in a girl's hair when he was kissing her. And that...

Godric quickly shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts away. Astrid needed to be cleaned up and he needed to get some sleep before classes tomorrow. Sleep would help with the healing just as much as the water would.

"Hopefully that is the case. I tried to be careful." Godric told her, remembering the look on her face when she'd found him in her stores, making a mess of things. She'd been so adorably frustrated. Or had she been irate and not willing to show him that because he was her employer? Either way, it had been a little cute how she'd seemed to struggle with controlling her reaction. But that was another thing he shouldn't be thinking about. Those sorts of thoughts led to inappropriate behavior that neither of them could afford.

No, he needed to focus on the job at hand. "If you'll just lean your head back a bit, I'll quickly wipe your face down. It's not too bad but we don't need a student wandering in here, seeing their healer's face covered in blood and worrying about what happened to you." He poured some of the water onto the cloth. "I trust the adults to understand the way the world works. However, the young ones might be scared and worried about what could have hurt you. Then, they might think that it could happen to them...children's minds can be so worrisome at times. I want you to be a calming influence on them so they come to you if they have problems." Godric explained as he slowly began running the cloth over the blood trails before moving to where the gash had been. That was really the worst of it and he wanted to make certain that the potion had really closed it before pressing a bit harder to get the worst of the blood off.

He continued on, wanting to keep her distracted from what he was doing. Being tended by another could not be easy. "You aren't quite old enough to be a mother-figure. None of the women here really are, unfortunately. However, young ones tend to confide in siblings more often and I just want them to seek help if they need it. Sometimes it's hard to confess to parents, whereas a sister might be a little more understanding. Does that make sense?

Because that's much of what I've been thinking since we first discussed taking on a healer. I had wanted someone young. I just never expected...you."

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Astrid would have probably reassured his doubt that the mess wasn't so bad if only she could somehow break this spell she was suddenly under. What else could it be, she found it near impossible to pull her eyes away from his and he drew her in just about every time they were in the same room together. He was so bloody confusing though, part of the time he was trying to get away from her and the next he was a breath or two away staring at her with a look quite the opposite of someone wanting to get away from another. 

For a moment she took note of his eyes flickering up towards her brow before coming back to her own again this time with something new in them. She swallowed down a lump in her throat, trying to make some sense of this while ignoring the sudden desire to reach up and run her hand along the front of his chest, see if it made her heart pound just as much as it had when she was held in his arms and leaning against it and if by touching him it sent his heart pounding to a similar rapid pace. How was she supposed to break free of this spell he had her under? Find out how he knew just how to wedge under her guard and armor to unsettle the stable state of her mind?

Thankfully his instructions to tilt her head back seemed to be the key to breaking whatever magic hold he had on her. Astrid tilted her head back just a bit more then shifted it towards one side so her injured left side was raised higher up. Unable to look at him without going to that odd angle from the corner of her eyes she decided to close them instead as he began to move the cloth across her face.

Maybe it was repayment for trying to reassure his doubts as now she was having some doubts of her own regarding her head injury. When someone said 'its not to bad' often times that meant it was bad and they were trying to be reassuring. She had touched it for a brief moment earlier and it hadn't seemed to bad then but maybe given it was her and not someone else she had looked over the finer points. She guiltily was like that, often feeling a need to heal others near perfectly before herself as foolish as that was. What good was a healer if they could barely stand on their own but it was just something that was part of her, needing to make sure those that came to her hurt and in pain left completely healed and happy no matter how much it took out of her. Rushing blindly head first into trouble at the slightest sign someone needed her help.

Perhaps thats why she was drawn to Godric so much. She wasn't certain but there was something there she had seen or perhaps it was more like sensed only a few times. He was injured and hurting but it wasn't something physical and it called out to her like a powerful siren song to heal him no matter the cost. But would he even want to be healed? How would she even go about healing something that couldn't physically be seen? And would he even want it healed by someone like her?

Astrid was drawn back part way through his words, catching pieces of it as he tended to her face. While it seemed like he was trying to distract her from having to be treated instead of the other way around they weren't going as positively as he may have hoped. Yes she was fiercely independent so having someone else treating her was unusual and odd as it was but his words while making some sense and good points stung at her still. Yes seeing her with a streak of blood and a few wounds would give some a sense of worry but wouldn't it also show she was strong enough to endure it and inspire them that they could too.

No what really stung was he last few words, not how she wasn't old enough to be a mother-figure which was a conflict of interest as many women her age were married and had growing families by now. No, it was how he never expected her and her mind immediately went straight away to her heritage. Right cause Vikings were supposed to be berserkers who raided, pillaged, and murdered. No good could come from people like them and even if one didn't start out life as a viking the moment the tainted poison touched you you were as good as one inside and out. Damn he had done it again, managed to get her guard down only to take such a shot at her. The sooner she could find out how he was doing that and find a way to block it the better.

Astrid opened her eyes and calmly moved her right hand up to take hold of the wrist of his hand holding the cloth to her face, stopping it where it was. She turned her face straighter and slowly pushed his hand away as she stood up from the bed. Her expression had gone almost stone like, the expressions tucked away as she stared at him. 

"Never expect me? Dare I ask who you were expecting or am I unfit to know just how many were better fitting to the position in your mind" she said before turning her gaze away. "I thank you for healing me, now if you will take a seat I can get you patched up and then off to bed. I'm sure you'll be needing your rest for your students and tomorrows lessons." 

Astrid plucked the cloth from his hand then stepped around him to walk towards the cabinet of potions. She paused a moment by the wall, undoing the clasp on the front her cloak and hanging it up on one of several hooks on the wall. She paused, muffling a groan between her closed lips as the movement cause the mild injury on her left shoulder to jolt painfully from the motion. She reached up with her other hand, mildly gripping at her shoulder until the pain stopped. It lasted only a second and she was able to quickly brush past it and lowered her hand away from her shoulder. She took her wand from the inner pocket of her cloak then approached the cabinet to collect what she would need for Godric.

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Godric was ready to roar in frustration as, yet again, she took his words not in the way that he had meant them. She, of course, pushed him away even though he hadn't finished. Honestly, he was tempted to throw a temper at her followed by the cloth he clutched in his injured hand. It was a mild pain that he had pushed through in order to ensure that she was cleaned up and fully healed.

Now, here she was pushing him off (again) in order to show...who knew what. That she was stronger than she thought he thought she was. Wrongly, considering her reaction to what should have been...well, he didn't know how he'd thought she'd take it.

Instead of throwing a temper, Godric carefully set the water pitcher and cloth down on a nearby table, no longer able to hide the emotions from his face or his tone. "Has anyone ever told you that you are a difficult woman?" He growled out. Having watched her reaction, he hadn't noticed the pain on her face but he'd seen her grasping at her shoulder. It irritated him that she would be hiding her injuries from him. As her dress wasn't falling down, there seemed one likely answer for doing so.

"Either difficult or obtuse!" Godric used his uninjured hand to run his hand through his hair in frustration. "I thought we could just have a nice, somewhat pleasant evening and yet you keep twisting my words to make them negative in order to push me away. Just because I said nothing could happen between us romantically, because that would be improper, didn't mean that we couldn't be friends. But you seemed bound and determined to make even that much an impossibility.

"I didn't expect you because I never expected to find a woman who would make me want things I don't deserve! And it hurts that just this once, I can't give in to those desires because too much is expected of me. Considering I told you earlier this evening that you should never let anyone tell you that you don't deserve this job, do you really think I would now give you a backhanded remark saying exactly that?"

He threw up his hands in defeat, knowing now how things would go between them. And he was a little saddened by it but he was more angry, back to wanting to throw something. Likely a good thing he'd set down the water pitcher down before his tirade.

"Frankly, I don't deserve this abuse. I simply do not have the time or patience for it so I will make things easier on you Matron Goodrun and bid you goodnight with a promise never to darken your doorstep again." Godric turned around to depart the Infirmary, completely done with this whole scene. While he would never regret saving her from the arseholes that had tried to hurt her, he would regret most of this evening - from the meeting they had had until this moment now. He couldn't take it back so all that was left to him was get some sleep and hope for a better tomorrow.

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