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Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric)

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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
What was he getting angry for?! She was the one who was in right to be mad, Astrid had asked why he avoided her without the crutch of alcohol in his hand and he had dodged her question by giving her a compliment on her looks as if the flattery would brush her past the fact he hadn't fully answered her. If they were going to work together, he couldn't very well try to avoid her or look uncomfortable around her as he was or at least thats how he always looked in her eyes when they were together. Now for sure things were going to be bad between them but at least he had made one thing clear enough. He had no interest her, none and probably would never been especially if how he really felt about her was far from what he had been displaying to her not long ago. All an act no less and he like the rest of the men thought her nothing more then a nights conquest to say they had slept with a viking wench. What a fool she was to think they could even be something like friends. Though her heart would have wanted more, friendship would have been all she could ask of him given their differences and positions, something she wouldn't have minded putting aside but it was clear he had no intentions of doing so.

She calmly knocked back the contents of her tankard, more than she would have liked to drink all at once so quickly but it was apparent the good mood between them was gone and it was better if one of them left before anything worse was said. She was tempted after his comment to give him a piece of her mind but that no doubt would most likely cost her the job that made her siblings proud of her. Being the bigger person Astrid would leave first, she had enough to drink tonight anyway even if it was just a tiny buzz and it had been good while it had lasted at least. 

Calmly Astrid rose to her feet, not looking at Godric as she approached the bar and set down her tankard as well as a few gold pieces beside it from a pocket in her dress. Without a word she stepped back to her table, picked up the lute and turned towards the door. She paused their though, turning and finally looking at him with her eyes locked right at his. "I took the liberty of taking care of your tab tonight, though I suppose its really you paying for it with the coin you left me the other day. For the supplies for treating your injuries, those were provided for me when I arrived and the cost was far less than what you gave me to cover them so you didn't need to repay me for any of it. So I decided the best way of returning you your money was in the way I figured would help you better enjoy your evening, though I had hoped it would have been a different sort of reaction when you found out you know now and I saw to the return of your money."

"Goodnight Sir Gryffindor, I do hope you enjoy the rest of your evening and see you on the morrow if your not intent on avoiding me more than you have been. Stay and drink a while longer, I'll take my leave first so you can better relax and enjoy your evening without my stressful presence causing you discomfort." she said, then without giving him a chance to reply she pulled the hood of her cloak up over her head and took her leave of the tavern. A moment or so later a huddled group of three men who had been watching them from a distance got up from their table and silently followed after her out of the tavern.

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Registered: Dec 2021

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And this exact situation was exactly why he was still unmarried at his age. Women were impossible. Not to mention, they never actually listened to what he said. All he'd said was that there couldn't be anything romantic between them but she blew it out of proportion - typical woman.

Then she decided to pay for his drinks, just because he'd paid her for her help. Could no one accept anything in this world? Astrid had already admitted to having a number of siblings. Could she not use the money for something more rational that having to get him back? Surely it would have been better spent on her responsibilities!

This was what he got for trying to be nice.

Of course, he hadn't known at the time that she'd had siblings. He just thought she could use a little reimbursement for her troubles. Technically the school year hadn't started yet so assisting him should have been no different than him paying her at the trading post. Would she not have charged him then? He highly doubted that she would have given him a freebie treatment.


Still, it wasn't in him to confront her on the matter. That would hardly be chivalrous. While it was a battle with his temper, of which he was notorious for, it was something Godric needed to work on. He certainly couldn't be snapping or absolutely losing said temper on his students. It simply wouldn't be fair to them, even if they might deserve it.

Godric was very tempted to stay and sink into the alcohol that would numb his anger. However, he knew by the time the alcohol took the edge off, he would be far too deep into his cups to function. The last thing he needed was to have someone send to the castle for assistance getting back. Still, what was one more...?

He had opened his mouth to order one when he noticed a few of the men get up and follow the healer out - a little too closely on her heels for his level of comfort. While it could very easily be a coincidence, Godric had learned to trust his instincts. It had kept himself and others safe on many occasions. Thus, he mumbled something to the barkeep and then stood up, stretching a bit. If the men decided to make a nuisance of themselves, he'd rather be ready for it. He reached for his side, realizing that he'd left his sword up at the castle.

Well, that was annoying. Still, if things got physical, maybe that activity would do what the alcohol couldn't. Fortunately he'd also left his cloak up at the castle so he'd have more freedom of movement. Oh yes, he might be unarmed but anyone who took him as helpless would do so to their detriment.

"Night," he said to the man behind the counter before crossing the room to leave. Even if he was wrong about the men's intention, Godric knew he should have offered to escort her up to the castle in the first place, his temper be damned. With his farewells complete, he headed out into the deep night, ready for anything.

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Registered: Dec 2021

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One....Two....Three... Astrid counted three sets of footsteps in the distance and they certainly were not hers or any last minute wanderer in the quiet sleeping outpost. Only those taking up a chair and a tankard would be awake this late, staying warm and toasty in the tavern. So, the question was why were three suddenly leaving such a happy place to follow her in the dead of night instead? 

She had quite a few guesses on that matter, hard not to be just one really given her behavior in the tavern tonight. Not quite her usual but then Godric had her thinking and doing a few things she hadn't normally done or said before...ever. And of course he was on her mind not helping the situation, stubborn idiot and all or was that her? No, he had decided not to answer he question honestly and even if romance was out of the picture they could have been friends or drinking pals had he just said why he couldn't be around her like a normal person. She was a big girl and could handle what ever his answer was, be it her rumored heritage, her career, or whatever his mind found reason to need to get away from her. 

Men, thick headed, ignorant, and stupid, the lot of them. The only redeeming quality they had to offer was the more primal need for physical intimacy that worked well enough to sooth the similar need in women and even that they often had to cause trouble or a fuss if it wasn't to their liking. Even a prime specimen like Godric while a night with him would certainly satisfy any primal need and forever be a permanent memory in her mind it wasn't exactly possible he was always looking for a way to get away from her. Not that she was looking for such a thing with him, she didn't bed men to satisfy her needs, at least she hadn't found one she wanted to yet. There had been plenty of offers but so far the right one hadn't quite found her and it was possible they never would given she was very likely to spend the rest of her life in the trading post and employed at the first magical school, unless of course she lost her job somehow after tonight.

Astrid took a small detour and turned down a side path that would take her to the center of the trading post, needing to let her thoughts go silent and still so she could focus on the trio behind her. If they had for some reason ill thoughts on their minds after what no doubt they overheard at the tavern she would need to be on alert. Hopefully she could lose them on the side streets but if not she certainly could detour to a dark alley, give them a reason to not try and pin her as an easy target drunk or sober.

She turned a corner at a split in the road, hopeful of this one being the one that she would lose her tail for good. Astrid had only counted one set of footsteps behind her but she knew better than to think the other two had given up. No doubt despite being drunk they were going to try and corner her somewhere and at this point the whole matter was becoming annoying, not in any way helping her already slightly angered state. Why did he have to be so mind consuming, especially at a time like this she just wanted to get back and get some sleep for a full day tomorrow. His charming but annoying face was right there in her mind looking at her with that smile and occasionally winking at her. Ugh why did he have to be so damn confusing yet so alluring! Maybe it would have been better if she hadn't come down at all with her stupid idea, no doubt it was just a jab at his male ego to have his drinks paid for. Men!

Astrid came to a stop after a few steps, in front of her were two men a few away and obviously standing in her way. She turned on her heel to go the other way only to find a third man walking up from behind. Well this was just great, he had once again distracted her enough to let her walk right into what she had been trying not to. Well this night certainly couldn't get any worse she thought as all three approached her.

"Good evening miss healer. Pardon the sudden approach but we couldn't quite help ourselves after what spell you seemed to have bewitched us with. After overhearing your tale of moonlight dancing, well even a heathen like yourself must be a rare sight indeed doing such a thing. So, we've come to see if you wouldn't mind giving us a personal show, give us a chance to see what all the fuss is about with women like you and see if the rumors of your body is really as tempting and satisfying as a tussle with a good whore." one of the men stated as he took an extra step closer, his gaze slowly moving across her body as he offered what was a drunken sloppy smirk.

She did her best to resist glaring at the trio, though her hand tightened on the lute. It would be a shame to lose it but if it meant protecting herself from these idiots then it would be a worthy sacrifice. She could always make another one in her free time, providing her work didn't increase the further the school progressed in its lessons. "Well I wouldn't dare insult just an offer I do have to be going gentlemen. I have work in the morning that I cannot afford to lose sleep because you wish to view a sight that is far unlikely to happen even in your dreams. Best you lot either get on home or back to the tavern as I have no intention of going anywhere with you" Astrid replied unable to stop her tongue from saying one or two things that were sure to not help in her getting away without some sort of altercation.

Sure enough the man grabbed her upper arm tightly, jerking her just a bit as the other two closed in. She tried to pull her arm free but surprisingly even for a drunk his grip was a bit strong, guess she shouldn't hold back as much and at this point he deserved any physical damage he was about to get from her. "It wasn't a request heathen wench, you'll be giving us what we want and just maybe you'll live long enough to return to your tainted bastard family. Certainly more than you or your kind deserve, we may even teach the lot of you your place here" There was a pair of chuckles following the mild slurred words, Astrid had little choice but to shift her mind to fight mode. No one insulted her family, guess there was little to no option in her not fighting. Hopefully they would come to learn to be careful who they messed with as she hand gripped the lute then swung it hard at the man holding her arm. He let go immediately, grasping at the side of his head but the other two were quick to respond and as she took a step back raising the lute in preparation for another swing the two took a step closer. This was not how she had wanted her night to go, not one bit.

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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 223
Godric watched the pattern of steps in front of him. It was a little confusing when the tracks changed course and then split ways.

Maybe he'd been wrong. Maybe the men had simply had early work and decided to leave, walk home and were now parting ways to return to their own homes. Maybe this whole thing was a lark.

Then again, were that the case, why had the fourth, slightly smaller set of tracks left the beaten path? It made no sense unless they, too, were returning home. Maybe he'd mistaken Astrid's footsteps for someone else's.

No, not possible. He was looking rather carefully and saw none of the telltale markings of someone recently heading up to the castle. Just to be on the safe side, he cast a few spells to illuminate the area a bit better and make sure he wasn't making a mistake. Of course he wasn't but he needed to be safe about this. Attacking three men for no reason would certainly not win him any favors down here. Then again, even with a good reason, it might have the same effect. What choice did he really have though? She was a woman - alone. He couldn't just stand by and let anything happen to her because of his mood. Chivalry was the estimation of a man's behavior, especially when he is at his worst.

Thus, he picked up the pace a little. While he had to be careful not to erase tracks, he also couldn't risk being too late to help her if she was in need of it. Silly woman, why couldn't she just wait on him to walk her back!!

He heard the scuffle from a good distance and was now ignoring the signs and, instead, following the sounds. He hadn't heard any discussion just the sounds of struggle. Godric was enraged that men would stoop so low. It didn't matter a woman's temptation; they should be able to keep themselves in check! It wasn't that hard.

"Stop!" He yelled as he reached the group, pulling the man holding his head back and pushing him to the ground. "You'll stay there if you know what's good for you!" Godric snarled before turning back on the others.

"Walk away. Just walk away, no harm done. This is your only warning."

That was a joke but if it got Astrid out of the path of harm's way while he dealt with business, that was the important thing.

Apparently, it was a non-issue because both men laughed at him. Literally laughed at him. It just meant he'd have to be a bit more careful not to get her hurt in the process. He'd been in that situation before and failed miserably. Godric would not live through that again. At least it didn't seem like anyone had a knife this time...

Immediately, he launched himself at the closest one, pulling the man off of his feet and thew him at the other one to know them both down. He bore down on them. When they tried scrambling up onto their feet, he kicked their legs out from underneath of them, unwilling to bend. "You do not accost ladies on the street, no matter the time of day." He roared, not caring who heard him. "Or I will hear about it and you will walk away with more bruises than you have body parts."

One of them made an indecent comment about his referral to Astrid as a lady, to which Godric responded with a solid punch to the nose, promptly dropping the man flat on his back. It freaking hurt like hell. He might have lost his temper and hit the man with the wrong fingers but he wasn't going to stop now.

Of course, he had such faith in his abilities that he never noticed the third man creeping up on them until there was a loud "thwump" and the sound of someone hitting the dirt. He spun around to see that the third man had tried to get up and attack him. He was now sitting on the ground, holding his head more than he had before with blood running down his nose. Godric looked to Astrid, a little befuddled that she had ruined her beautiful instrument. Or even had the sense to to come out of the shock of being attacked to act.

Then again, this was her womanhood that they'd been after. A little payback was due.

The next few minutes, Godric got into a good fight with the two men who'd taken advantage of his turned back to get up on their feet. Unfortunately, these men were just farmers, shop keeps, or somewhere in between. Nothing that could hold out long against him. Eventually, they limped off into the night, leaving Godric standing there with a few (definitely) broken fingers, a broken nose, a very loose tooth, and quite a few bruises. Yet they'd still gone away looking worse than he did so he counted it as a win.

After taking a few deep breaths, he turned to Astrid to ask her if she was alright. It was hard to see in the dimmer torch light but for the most part, she seemed unmolested. Instead, he let it be for now. Women didn't normally like talking about their trauma and this wasn't likely to be her first brush with such types, considering her background. "are alright enough to walk to the castle or do you need me to carry you?"

Okay, probably not the best way to start but he was suddenly tired and knew by morning, he was going to look like hell. He was going to be in so much trouble. His best hope was that a little sleep would go a long way.

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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
Astrid had braced herself, her free hand moving to be ready to grab her wand tucked into the hidden pocket of her cloak when she had backed up against a nearby house wall. Cornered, like she was some common woman who couldn't look after herself. It left her little option but to use magic just to be sure she could get away unharmed should her strength not be enough. Normally it was but for some reason tonight she was finding taking hold of that strength a bit tricky. It had to be his fault too, ruffling and worming his way past her guard so she couldn't pay attention to her drinking. She couldn't have had as many as she thought she did, maybe it was a fresh supply and a touch stronger than usual. That had to be it.

She waited to counter an attack, only instead she heard someone shout out and quick footsteps approach from the shadows. Of course it wasn't who she thought would be coming to her aid, in fact he had been the last one on her mind to come to her aid but sure enough Godric moved to stand between her and the other two men. While she appreciated it, it still gave her a sinking feeling after the way they had parted that he was here around her again in all his stubborn yet charming glory to help her. Great.

Words were exchanged as well as a few hits between Godric and the two drunks, while they were insulting and rude she wasn't a stranger to the words so she let them slide off her shoulders like water off a duck's back. Astrid was looking for a way she could be of more use than just standing off to the side when she heard a groan and looked over to see the third man stubble back up to his feet. A glare in his eyes as he reached for a broken piece of wood from a nearby fence and began to approach Godric from behind. A cheap shot even for a drunk and something she suddenly found herself in need to stop before it was too late. 

Astrid moved forward quickly, her body acting automatically as she quickly blocked the attack aimed at Godric's back. She felt the wood connect with the back of her shoulder and part of her head as she used her body to stop the blow from hitting Godric but she was already in combat mode, putting the injury aside as she swung her body around, putting that force and strength into her arm as she swung her lute hard at the man's face. There was a loud smack sound that echoed in the silent air around them and she felt the wooden instrument connect with his face before sending him back to a crumpled lump on the ground. She stared down at the man, unaware that Godric had turned to look at her. Nothing really was except her focus on making sure the man in front of her didn't get back up on his feet. This was not how she wanted her night to end.

By the end of the fight, her lute was a nearly shattered frame of wood. The strings all broken and the neck was about ready to snap off. It was a lost cause to repair it at this point but at least she had remained unharmed. More or less. Her shoulder where the wood had hit was beginning to hurt and she could feel something sticky against her skin on the top of her forehead. No doubt she had a cut or something from the broken wood, she would have to check it out once she was back up in the infirmary. The men were gone at this point, carrying each other off to lick their wounds before drink away the pain no doubt, good riddance to them and those like them.

Astrid slowly turned around as she heard Godric speak, resisting the wince her eye wanted to make as the move made her head throb a bit. Instead she looked at him, unaware of the small trail of red going from the upper corner of her forehead down the side of her face. Internally it was a lesson she needed reminding of, stupidly using her body as armor without her actual armor on. She downright deserved the hit for being stupid but at least she had prevented him from taking the blow which could have been much worse when it would have been unexpected.

"I'm alright to walk up to the castle, they didn't do anything before you arrived and stepped in" she replied. Astrid paused to fully take in the state of him now that the fight was finished. Even in the dim lighting she could see he hadn't escaped fully unharmed though it didn't seem as bad as when she had found him in the infirmary. Still, he had come to her rescue despite how they had ended things in the tavern and she owed him for doing what he had, defended her both by words and honor against the ignorant drunken men. 

"Thank you, by the way, for coming to my aid." She met his gaze as she offered her honest and heart filled thanks, letting it sink in before she turned away to look at her broken instrument. With a exhaled sigh she tossed it into a nearby trash pile, offering a silent thank you to it as well for providing her just the right weapon to see her through the fight. 

"We should head back to the castle, I can treat your injuries before you go to bed once we are there. Its the least I can do after what you did for me" Astrid added as she turned back up to him. Once he was finished she could treat herself then get to bed, a good restful night sleep was just what she needed to put this whole night behind her.

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Godric nodded, trying to flex his hand. Yup, definitely broken fingers. They would heal eventually. "Of course I came after you. I could hardly let you be accosted by those..." He muttered a word that he shouldn't have used in a lady's presence but no one had ever said he was the most refined of men. Another reason why he probably wasn't married. "But you're welcome. And don't worry about your instrument. I'll have it replaced.

"As to my injuries," he looked her over and tried to hide the grimace on his face. "Actually, I think we need to see to that head wound of yours first," he said gently, looking around to get his bearings before setting off on the shortest route to the castle. He wasn't in a huge hurry, knowing she might be woozy and need help to walk a bit. Still, they should get her back just in case. While head wounds tended to bleed profusely more than necessary, they wouldn't know for certain until they got into some good light to make certain what the best treatment was. "The rest can wait until after that's dealt with. In fact..." Godric stopped. Pulling his shirt out of his pants, he reached for the hem of it to try to tear a strip off of it.

While it took a few moments, eventually it came off and he stepped in close to her. For a moment, their eyes locked. Time was suspended for seconds but he broke it quickly, realizing what a fool he was. He'd told them both that nothing romantic could happen and he needed to stick to that. Bunching the fabric up, he reached up to press it against the wound.

"Hold this here so we can hopefully stop the bleeding by the time we reach the castle."

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Astrid internally smirked as Godric's choice of words to call the men who had tried to attack her. She honestly couldn't have agreed any more on the matter, maybe even add on a few more words that perhaps weren't meant to be said through the proper woman's mouth. Guess it was fortunate she wasn't much of a proper woman and wouldn't have held back on saying the same words he had just.

"You don't need to go to the trouble to replacing my lute, I was the one that choose to use it as a weapon. When I find some free time I will make it again providing I can find the right materials this far inland" She answered with a slightly heavy sigh accompanied with her exhaled breath. It would take a little time but it wasn't impossible, she had made that one in fact so she could do it. It all just depended on if she could find the time as well as worthy enough materials. While it certainly wouldn't be the same it fit well with the instrument, they were supposed to be different and unique just like the ones who played them.

She tugged herself out from her inner thoughts when he shifted a bit closer and looked over her current state. Had he just grimaced at her? She certainly couldn't be in any worse shape than he was given the nasty look of a few of his fingers, broken she could assume. Not to mention his nose looked a bit mangled and from the way he was standing he had to have a few bruises forming. She on the other hand felt the pain in the back of her shoulder and there was a stinging feeling near the top of her forehead but nothing that seemed terrible.

Astrid followed a step or so behind Godric without resistance, he seemed to know a quick way back to the school and the sooner they got there the better. Along the way she couldn't help but reach up and gently touch the stinging spot on her head with the tip of a finger or two. Right away she could feel it was damp and just slightly sticky, knowing at the very least she must have a cut of some sort there. She didn't feel particularly too dizzy so she didn't think her head had taken too hard of a hit but just because she couldn't feel it now didn't mean it wouldn't come around later. She would need to make sure to take something for it before she went to bed tonight, more importantly she should make sure she healed Godric up and hopefully without the other founders finding either of them in their current state.

"It's not serious, really. I think its just a cut, besides your the one with broken bones and those should be healed fir...." She paused and came to a stop just a second after he did in front of her. Astrid watched in both confused and curiously as he tugged his shirt free of his pants and proceeded to rip off a piece of it. Something she could see was proving difficult with his broken fingers. She wasn't fully clued in to what he was doing until he was right in front, maybe a breath of space between them but it certainly wasn't hers as it had frozen in her lungs the moment he was before her and his eyes were locked with hers. Everything around them went a bit hazy as the seconds that felt like hours passed by. Why did have to draw her in like this? Without even a word, just a deep look into his eyes and her shield was lowered for him. Nothing could happen between them, not romance and not even friendship with how he tried to get away from her. So why couldn't the universe or whatever was doing this understand that and stop tormenting her like this? His dashing looks, alluring scent, and drawing eyes called out to her but he was a forbidden fruit, one she was forever made to look but never touch or taste no matter how tempting he was making it. All it would take was for one of them to lean in and that small gap between them would be gone.

His hand moving up with the bunched scrap of his shirt thankfully pulled her from falling to far into her mind. Astrid flinched, her head slightly recoiling away as his hand moved close but after a moment she held still. She winced as the fabric made contact with her head then slowly moved her hand up to take over holding the piece of his shirt to her head. If she was holding it there he wouldn't have a reason to still be standing so close to her and his intoxicating scent wouldn't be putting bad ideas into her mind. 

"Thank you" Astrid said quietly with a softer note to her tone, thankfully with help from the wince a moment ago she was able to pull her eyes away from his and the hypnotic spell they had tried to put her under. Instead she glanced away, suddenly feeling a bit shy but appreciative of everything he was doing for her. He didn't have to especially how they had just parted at the tavern but here he was battered and bruised because of her. She caught sight of his shirt, now missing a good size piece from the bottom. "I will be sure to get you a replacement, for your shirt you damaged on my account."

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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 223
Godric shrugged off the shirt. "As long as I tuck it in, it'll be fine. Really. And if not, I might have another one somewhere in my wardrobe." Maybe. He wasn't quite certain. "For me," he went on, not wanting her to think he was some arrogant nobleman who couldn't be bothered about his clothing because that was the furthest thing from the truth. "Shirts - well, one looks like another so I don't normally bother keeping more than one on hand.

"However, my sister and brother's wife saw to my clothing before I left for school. They said it was important to set the right tone as an authority figure so they might have included another without me realizing it. To be honest," he gave her a sheepish look, not realizing that she probably couldn't see it. "I just send everything down to the house elfs to be washed overnight. Since it's always there in the morning when I needed it, I never thought to look through everything else they packed." Probably not the best answer, now that he thought of it but something had loosened his tongue. It certainly wasn't the alcohol so what the hell!

"And now that I hear what I just said, it does make me sound a bit like an arrogant noble." He sighed heavily. Godric was just trying to keep her mind off of their injuries and what had just happened to keep her from going into shock. That was his reasoning, surely. He could see the pride in every step she took. To succumb to shock and need to be carried to the castle, needing someone else to heal her would likely damage that pride considerably.

So yes, that had to be why he was talking - to help her. Definitely - without a doubt.

"I swear that isn't the case here. Well, a little bit of the arrogant part but nobility is a bit of a stretch. It's just...see, it's my lucky shirt! Every time I've worn it, I haven't been lost a fight. In my life, that's a bit of a challenge so I long ago figured out that when something works, you don't change it." That wasn't quite the whole story but maybe it would make her smile anyway. It was what he was trying for: a bit of levity in spite of what had just happened.

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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
Astrid thought to interrupt once or twice as Godric tried to reassure her replacing his shirt wasn't necessary. While she had to agree that try as he might he had come across a bit arrogant when explaining his clothing options, it didn't reduce or eliminate the guilty feeling in her though that he had ruined his 'lucky' shirt because she hadn't thought before she acted. If anything she felt a bit worse about causing the damage to it.

She could understand having a favorite or lucky piece of clothing, she didn't quite have one of her own except maybe her alter ego's armor but she knew a few of her siblings had such an item selected. She felt fortunate for what she had as it was, a few simple dresses was the bulk of her clothing. As with many things she had made sure her sibling's needs were met first and that included clothing. For many of them they were either in or just starting puberty so they were growing quite quickly out of their clothing but thankfully they could be handed down to one another and if they happened to get damaged or worn Astrid could at least give them a good repair to last a bit longer. Once or twice she considered possibly getting some fabric to make a new dress for herself but for the most part in the end she made one instead for one of her sisters. One day perhaps she would see about it but for now her siblings were the priority on her mind, needing to make sure they had full and happy lives until they were old enough and decided to leave to find their own path in life.

Astrid slowly lowered her hand away holding the torn piece of his shirt to her head. She wasn't sure if the bleeding had stopped or not but it was becoming a bit too painful to continue holding her arm up at the angle with the growing bruise on the back of her shoulder. Yeah, that was going to be interesting to try and heal. It wasn't impossible and she had done it before on herself but despite his intentions to treat her injury first she was going to make sure he was treated and patched up before she did anything on herself. It was the right course of action in her mind, he was more important position wise and he had come to her aid when he didn't need to.

"Then at least let me mend it for you instead as my way of apologizing and thanking you. If you leave it as is the rip could unravel the rest of the material or if you don't have it tucked in it could catch on something and very well rip the whole shirt off completely. I wouldn't feel right letting something rather important to you remain in such a condition, particularly if its providing you with the protection of luck when your engaged in a fight" She replied finally raising her gaze to meet his and gave him something of a weak version of a thankful smile. "I've got a pretty quick sewing hand so I can have it patched up before you turn in for the evening once I've seen to your injuries. Having a few siblings with habits of ruining their clothes has given me quite a bit of practice." 

Though his words had lightened the air a bit between them another weight had formed in her mind that was trying to distract her in its own way. Was it really too much to ask for something to go right tonight or at least not make her look like a weak foolish woman to the last person she wanted to see her that way?

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"Nothing to apologize for but I won't say no to letting you mend my shirt." Godric replied, figuring it was the very least he could do? That didn't sound right. He was perfectly capable of mending clothes. He'd been taught as a boy; the Lord who had trained him couldn't abide idle hands. The pages and squires always had to be busy or there would be discipline. Thus, quite often, Godric would knit or darn socks, mend the clothing that had been ripped in practice, or sharpen his weapons. There was ever so much to do when one really thought about it.

Still, he could tell she wouldn't leave off until he allowed her to do something to make up for this whole nasty business. Honestly, he should be making it up to her for letting her instrument be damaged but apparently, from the way she fobbed it off, he wasn't going to be able to replace it. Hell, he couldn't have afforded it even if he wanted to. Every cent he had went into the school and then some.

Some gallant knight he was. All these years of work and he couldn't provide simple things for the people who served them. What a true waste he was. Still, there were ways he could help. Small ways but ways nevertheless.

"If you need material for your new instrument, talk to Lady Ravenclaw. She is in charge of most of our ordering and she has the contacts to get just about anything we need. With our name on it, hopefully it will be a little easier to acquire. It seems to make you happy, after all and I like the people around me to be happy. It makes for much more comfortable living situations."

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