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Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric)

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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
Astrid was seated at a table near the tavern's grand fireplace, cloak on but hood drawn down to show her face and loosely hanging golden colored hair. She was leaning back slightly in her chair, one leg crossed over the other and her back was facing towards the door. In her hand was a wooden lyre, her fingers calmly plucking at a few strings while seated on the table in front of her was a tankard of mead. As a whole, she simply looked like a woman enjoying a drink after a long day of work and it was her set up on purpose for the real reason she was here tonight had yet to arrive.

She had made sure to pay closer attention to one individual in particular, maybe going a little overboard with keeping tabs on him throughout the day but after their last few rocky face to face encounters she wanted to get him back for getting to far under her guard and she had to do it before they could suspect anything coming or lose her element of surprise. The best way she had thought of to do that exactly? Well it was right here at the tavern where she knew eventually he would show up. Though she looked like she was simply minding herself with a good drink and a little music her ears were focused on the door across the room behind her, listening to anyone coming inside. 

So far tonight things had been quiet over the few minutes since she had made her way down, a few locals had come in not long after her and sat at tables a bit further away from her. Whether it was simply because they wanted some space to themselves or recognizing her as the local 'viking' woman they were putting distance between her and them. Not that she really cared. The locals could think what they wanted so long as they left her siblings alone and didn't bother them or their family business as they lived peacefully and trouble free since her family had arrived a couple years ago. They would remain without trouble from her so long as they didn't raise a hand against her family and the village knew that well enough by now.

Realizing she had mentally gotten off track, Astrid lifted her hand up from her instrument and reached for her tankard. She took a drink, savoring and enjoying the taste as she swallowed then set the tankard back down onto the table. It had been a few days since she had come down for a drink, her new job had too much work to be done to free her up with enough time to come down to enjoy one but now that the school had finally opened and so far things seemed to be moving cleanly and without issue she couldn't pass up the chance to come down to enjoy a drink herself.

Well, a drink and some light hearted positive directed revenge on someone in particular. When they arrived they would be a bit stunned to find their drinks already paid for either just for this evening or a few nights depending on how much he had and funny enough at least in her mind was the use of their own money to do so. Not that they would really know that until they confirmed it from her as she didn't mention it to the barkeep, he would get directed in her direction when the stunned confusion faded and he wondered who had paid for his evening drink.

With a smile Astrid resumed softly playing a lighthearted wistful little tune as she kept her ears directed at the door. It shouldn't be much longer now, Lady Rowena had gone off to find him after requesting a few hangover potions know doubt also knowing and hinting to her at least that this would be exactly where Godric would be heading any moment now.

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Godric had made certain that all was set up for his class the next day. If Rowena's potion didn't work, he didn't want to have to worry about rushing about, getting thing ready while his hangover hung heavily over his head. It would make for a very bad first impression with his students. Once the field was properly readied, he headed over to the stables. With so many horses on the grounds, he didn't think it fair to leave the house elfs to deal with it all. He was the one that offered the space to a few of the students so it should be his responsibility to make sure they were well stabled for the night. It also meant he could check on his own horses kept there for if he needed to make unexpected trips where apparation was unnecessary.

But finally, FINALLY, Godric could make his way down to the tavern. As he walked in, the tender called out to him with a wide smile and the knight returned it, clomping over to the bar to take a seat there. The man there already knew what he drank so it was ready by the time he sat down. "You're the best," Godric told him before turning himself around on the stool to look out over the room. Seeing just a handful and a half of people seated, he nodded.

"A round on me, my good man! Everyone drinks on me for this one in celebration of the new school and a new era for the trading post. I tell you, this will be the best thing that ever happened to this place!" There was a dissenter or two in the group but if it meant they were drinking for free, then they seemed good enough to keep their complaints to themselves. That didn't mean Godric was going to let himself become complacent. Half turned towards the bar, never turning his back on anyone, he tried to keep up a lively chat going with the tender, his voice carrying well over the music, a strange addition to the room but not unwelcome.

"And at least a round for our talented musician!" He called out, though there was a little less enthusiasm for this declaration, which seemed odd. Bards were far and few between and roaming ones tended to be the center of attention for all sorts of reasons. The fact that this one seemed to suffer a few dirty looks made him wonder who they were, though not enough approach. At least, not yet. He had drinking to do first...

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Astrid held in a grin as the tavern door opened and at last her quarry had arrived, her fingers shifting into another tune as her song came to an end. As she suspected he went right to counter for a drink and she smiled as she reached for her tankard again. Only she paused from taking a drink as he announced a round of drinks for the house and her smile fell. What the hell? She had planned on paying for his drinks as her revenge not the whole bloody tavern. And why did that make her suddenly a bit irritated, it was technically his gold piece she had used and he could do as he wanted but for some reason all the fun spirit she had thought this would feel like suddenly fizzled out. He was in a good mood and for good reason with the school now off and running. It was just going to cost her this little plan of revenge that now that she thought it over seemed juvenile and stupid. Why did she decide to do this in the first place and why had she looked forward to not so much the plan but running into him again face to face?

She took a drink finally coming to her senses, just about missing his next call out to provide her with a drink for providing the music as she lowered her tankard down from her lips. Did he not recognize her there? The firelight was making her hair glow a bit and the cloak was something she hadn't worn earlier around him but still it seemed a little odd. Granted they had only had a few close encounters while the rest had been in passing but honestly how many blond women did he know around here? And why did that also slightly irritate her that she hadn't been recognized? Damn him, he was getting under her guard again. She hadn't cared about being recognized before so why now and more importantly why him?

Exhaling a small breath and hopefully removing most of her inner frustration, Astrid put on a soft warm smile, her kind hearted healer mask back into place on her expression and slowly turned around in her chair until she could better face Godric and when he finally noticed her, take in his expression when the dots were connected in his mind. Raising her tankard a bit she nodded it politely in his direction. "Thank you good sir for the kind gesture, I'll be sure to take you up on your offer as soon as I finish this one in a few moments" she said then lowered her tankard back down and set it down onto the table as she turned back around to face forward. She was tempted to begin playing again, further play in to not being expecting or surprised to find her there but instead she carefully set her lyre down on the table and picking back up the tankard. Unable to hold it in, she smiled as she brought it up to her lips for a drink.

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Godric hadn't really been paying attention to the bard other than the music. His eyes were solely resting on the others. There had been a fight in here just last night, which was why he was trying to sew peace into the crowd with a few bought drinks. It was no secret that there was some dissent about the new school. Change was scary - especially to people who would never expect it to benefit them. And the men of this trading post, they were working people. Why go off to a school to learn fancy new things when the way of it was to learn from your parent or your master? It was how things had always been done and, thus, how they should always be done.

No, he was wary of the crowd, in spite of his exuberance. No reason for them to suspect he might hold a grudge against the complaints he'd heard for the last five years.

However, when the bard turned around to thank him, he was surprised to find their new healer down at the pub, making herself known with her musical talents. Were they not paying her enough that she needed to find funds elsewhere? Surely not. Someone had mentioned that her family had owned the apothecary here. Had she been the one to tell him or had it been Rowena?

No, he would have remembered if Rowena had said it. Unless he was drunk, he remembered most of the things she told him. He might not understand it all, considering how vastly different their minds worked but he did remember.

So surely the young woman wasn't in financial distress. Her clothing was clean and whole, no mended hems or missed stitches. Maybe the fabric a bit rougher than some but it was still good quality. So what had her down here? Was there not enough to do up at the castle that she had to turn her attention elsewhere. After all, he'd thought they were paying her good money to be on call in case the students took sick in the night. Not that Rowena was incapable when it came to healing. However, she had a great many other duties to tend to - hence the hiring of a famed healer to serve.

Still, he thought as he finished his first drink and moved onto his second, not everyone could confine themselves to the castle as his friends had. He certainly couldn't, always needing to be on the move to keep things from catching up to him. Maybe there were things in her past that brought her down here for the comfort of drink as well. He'd heard she was of Norse origins. That wasn't the easiest background to come from, no matter what her father had done for their community.

"By all means, take your time. The music was rather nice," Godric said, moving to a stool three paces from the one he'd been sitting at so he could be closer. She'd have to know what the people of the trading post thought of their endeavor. If they knew she'd come from there...

And to sit with your back to people, especially those that could bust out into a brawl at any moment, was suicide. No way was he explaining to Rowena why she had to be woken up because their healer was accidentally knocked out because of another dust up in the tavern. And explain that he'd failed to protect her from being attacked. That was not a look he wanted to see on her face.

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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 180
Astrid took her time with drinking from her tankard and finishing the last of the delicious beverage only enjoyable at such a place as she took in his response. Honestly she hadn't been concerned for a need of caution or safety when she was here, if someone decided to mess with her there were two ways so could very well go about it and one involved the arrival of an armored fighter who wasn't afraid to throw a few punches or swing a blade. If it kept her and her family safe, her status as a healer not a fighter could remain intact with the help of her alter ego. With that said she hadn't been worried about keeping her back to the room or to the potential of someone attacking from behind. Her senses would be aware of the room even if it didn't seem so, a fighter was always alert and even if she had to take a punch or two to remain hidden and her true strength in the dark so be it. 

Besides with the way Godric was suddenly moving a bit closer to her by a few bar stools and his frame looking like he was on guard despite already a drink in meant he was more than likely on protection duty of her. Typical and expected of such a knight and living breathing male.

"Thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it. I came down to check up on my family before they tucked themselves into bed for the evening and decided to stop for a drink or two before making my return. By chance I had to repair my lyre after it had a run in with a very short game of battle tag between two of my siblings so I thought to entertain myself after fixing it up while I drink as well as those whos ears who feel up to listening" She replied once she had lowered her tankard down from her face. While she wasn't sure if he was in the loop or not as far as her family situation Astrid had at least told Rowena when she had stopped by not long ago she would be down to visit the trading post to check on her siblings and if a house elf could be stationed in the infirmary just until she returned. She wasn't planning to stay too late and although she knew not to leave her post for too long she was a bit overly confident no one would be stopping by tonight in need of her healing hand. Besides, the only one at this point she could anticipate in needing healing during the night was seated right in front of her so her place here rather than the school seemed a good one, planned or coincidence.

With the tankard now empty she rose up from her chair with it in hand and calmly strolled towards the bar. Her gaze didn't leave his until she paused in front of the empty stool just beside him and she turned slightly to look at the barkeep on the other side of the bar as she leaned over the stool to hand over her tankard for a refill. Guiltily Astrid may have exaggerated her position a bit more than necessary, stretching her upper body just a touch too much to put the physical shape of her body into clear view from her cloak and her hind end raised just a touch higher but it was all honestly and innocently done. 

She wouldn't intentionally use her physical attributes to make him shake a little in his boots even if it was just harmless teasing. Maybe not completely on purpose and that she would admit to doing intentionally to at least get his feathers ruffled a little bit. She certainly could feel a few glances in her direction because of the motion, men were after all only human and even the layers of rumors coating her wouldn't stop a quick passing glance at a well defined female form in certain innocent looking positions. 

"So, your here to celebrate a rather successful first day then? An occasion indeed worth celebrating despite the lack of enthusiasm from the response of the rest of the room. Congratulations on the school and the hard work you as well as the other founders have done to bring it to life" Astrid added as she turned to look right at him, meeting his gaze for a moment or so then straightened herself up with a full tankard in hand. She nodded it slightly in his direction in a gentle toast before moving it to her lips for a short drink. It was still a bit irritating her plan hadn't gone quite as she had thought at first but so long as she could have a bit of fun at his expense maybe it would be worth it in the end. So long as she remained clear minded and focused, no need getting distracted by what came up the last few times they had encounters together.

"And thank you again for the drink, I will most graciously enjoy it down to the last drop." With a smile she then turned and walked the few steps back to her table. Grabbing her chair she adjust it a bit to better be angled to face Godric fully while also putting her back somewhat to the rest of the room. Not that she cared, foolish and cocky indeed but it was so difficult to not be just a bit dangerous. Right in front of her was someone who had gotten under her guard and she wanted to see if there was a way to return the favor. It was rightly fare in her mind after all.

Besides the memory of the glimpse she had seen the other day of his well formed body was curious if he had the physical strength to back up such a toned and decently sculpted frame. Not that she was wanting to get close enough to touch it again or experience what else that sort of strength could be used for. No, no she was here for a reason and it was to get him back for rattling her by rattling him back and nothing else. She took a drink as if to solidify that statement in her mind, lightly brushing her hand across her lap to brush out a wrinkle or two from her dress once she set the tankard down on to the table beside her. If anything it would only be a small bar brawl that would happen tonight and she would be here to help him back up to the school if his ego let him. Astrid turned to look at him across from her seated at the bar. Definitely nothing else crazier than that would possibly happen tonight, innocent talk at best right?

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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 223
Godric was enjoying his drink, though he was wondering why had hadn't drunk more earlier? Normally, he wasn't the one to play 'politics' when it came to his friends. He was the do it and damn the consequences kind. Likely because for the last ten years, while there had been visits to check on various stages of construction, he'd mostly been on his own or working with his band of brothers. He hadn't needed permission or agreement from anyone; he'd just done as he pleased - as much as a second son was able to, anyway.

So now that they were altogether and everything was really starting, he was in a position of authority. It was a curse his elder brother had once wished on him - to which Godric had laughed. Who would give a second son any sort of power? Especially when the heir had an heir of his own, not to mention a spare one. Three people in line, power was never his eventual goal and yet here he was, responsible for the governance of one-fourth of their school. He had real people depending on him - some of whom could not protect themselves and needed him. It was an unfamiliar feeling - one that made him incredibly nervous hence the considerable drinking he'd been doing lately.

Fortunately, there was a tavern near the school with an oft lively crowd to take his mind off of the responsibility now weighing on his shoulders. And better yet, for once, there was a rather pretty face to look at. Not that it could ever go anywhere. If it was one thing he'd learned, it was never dally with someone working with you. He'd seen it go wrong far too many times to be tempted past a glance or two.

Granted, he did more than glance when she leaned over the bar for another drink. He was a man, after all, and his eyes were perfectly free to roam, even if his heart was not. The last time he'd fallen for a woman, she'd been a married one and while nothing had happened between them, it wasn't for lack of wishing on his part but there were complications surrounding any move he would have or might in the future try to make.

Thus, it was hard not to compare what he saw there and then to that of the past. The healer before him was beautiful. Fair in comparison to his dark haired beauty. Sharply curved instead of the soft lush curves of Rowena. Despite the dress, Godric had a very good imagination and had seen enough naked women in the past to have an idea of what the Viking healer might look like under that very nice dress. It wasn't unattractive in the least, which just meant he would have to keep more distance between them than usual.

Of course, nothing scandalous about a conversation in the middle of a crowded tavern. It wasn't like they were sneaking off to the corner to exchange sweet nothings. It was all innocent, out in the open, their voices loud enough to be heard. While it was inane small talk, it was better than having someone whisper back in his friends' ears that he'd been off cavorting with the healer they desperately needed.

"Well, obviously you know your repair work as it sounded good." He said, burying his face in his mug once the generic but well meant praise was given.

He took a few swallows, trying to clear his mind of everything that had happened this evening and focus on the company as well as the currents running through the room. "Family, eh?" Godric asked, now wondering if he'd fully been paying  attention when Rowena had been telling them about her. "I suppose it's hard to lose a family member, whether it's a paying position or not. Hopefully it hasn't caused too much disruption with...?" Ooo, did she have a husband? Father? Older brother that might not be as supportive of this endeavor? He probably should know that sort of thing. "anyone," he finally finished, feeling a bit lame about not knowing more. Then again, he'd been a busy man and Rowena hated being questioned on her decisions so, of course, he'd done nothing of the sort when she'd informed him.

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Astrid couldn't deny his compliment had fluttered something a bit in her chest, though it had her cautious if he was attempting to get under her guard again by it. It wasn't often she heard one so open and honest sounded, especially from someone not fully drowning in drinks and hoping to butter her up enough to see if she was worth the drunken compliment. It was a common thing in a tavern and no doubt the serving wenches had more than their fill of wandering hands and lewd comments and suggestions. Would detour most women from coming all together but she knew what she was doing and knew well how to handle a wandering hand if it journeyed where it didn't need to be.

She took a drink from her tankard as he seemed to ease into the topic of her family. Covering a curious raise of her eyebrow when she turned slightly to set her tankard back down. She hadn't expected he would be curious on the matter though she wasn't sure just how much about her had been discussed between the four founders. Rowena knew the most of it as far as what could be publicly known. Her parents both having passed on and as the eldest she was caring for her siblings until they came of age to look after themselves. No doubt it was a little odd given most of the time it was the eldest male that was head of the family but she brushed that custom aside, regardless of gender she was the eldest and as such was in charge of her family. She had promised her father, both of them as well as her mother she would look out for them and thats exactly what she intended to do. 

"My younger siblings" Astrid said after she turned back to face him and answering his posed question. With a fluid motion, she gracefully crossed one of her legs over the other letting herself get a bit more comfortable in the chair. "Eight of them in fact and they have quite the range of ages between them but still look to me when it comes to leading our family since my mother's passing a few years ago. With my new position up at the school its fallen to the older of them to take over our shop and clinic here at the trading post. They have a better level of people skills then I do so things are doing well and in good hands but like any older sibling I worry about them and can't help wanting to check in every now and then to make sure all is well. From experience I know even if the shop is doing well, with younger ones full of energy running through the house there is also a bit of trouble to be had as well and just like my lyre objects tend to end up the target of their outlets. Still, I can't say I would give any of them up for anything else in the world. My family is important to me and I would do anything to see to it they are happy, healthy, and safe."

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Registered: Dec 2021

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Godric frowned at the announcement that she had younger siblings. How old were they, that they were old enough to take care of themselves and their businesses but not attend school? Was that a show that she had very little faith in the endeavor, despite agreeing to work for the four of them?

Or maybe they needed the money that badly? If they owned the healing stall here in the trading post, surely that couldn't be the case. It was the only apothecary type place in all of Britain - outside of the shop in London, of course. Then again, a reputation like that might be hard to let go of.

However, if she cared for her siblings as much as she said, then why not give up her place as healer and send them, keeping the business for herself and those too young to attend?

Either way, it rubbed him the wrong way. There was nothing more important than magical education, as far as he was concerned. It was why, had Gwen not been an actual teacher, he would have pushed to have her attend in order to improve her own magical abilities. She wasn't completely inept but some studying from someone who would actually push her might make her work a bit harder than she had for their mother.

Godric nodded along with the explanation, suddenly realizing that this wasn't simple bar talk but actual in-depth chatting; get to know you chatter. After years of ducking women his brother had tried to marry him off to, he recognized the difference immediately. The hair on the back of his neck went up and parts of him shriveled automatically, telling him to get the hell out of there while he still could. He couldn't, though. He just couldn't do that to a staff member. And that's what he needed to remember - nothing could happen between them because they worked together - just like nothing could happen between him and Rowena. It could, too easily, ruin the school.

"How responsible of you," Godric said, looking around the bar again. For a moment, he almost wished a fight would break out. "I'm certain they appreciate it." He added, realizing that everyone in the place seemed dead tired at the moment and unwilling to rescue him. Damnation! Casting about for other topics to talk about, he made the gravest errors and asked, "So where did you learn to play?"

Double damnation! 

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Registered: Dec 2021

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So much for things staying on a positive note Astrid thought as she watched Godric glance around the bar and not in a protective way. Almost as though the sudden topic had him on edge and in need of an escape. Why would he unless of course he was of a similar mind as a good number of the trading post residence when it came to her and her family. While she didn't want to assume he would he certainly wasn't giving her the opinion of thinking any other way just now. 

Holding back on the rise to her irritation she reached for her tankard, letting her eye lower to look at it in her hand rather than the dashing and suddenly narrow minded wizard in front of her. "Indeed but I can't quite take the credit for the idea as it was them that suggested and in fact insisted I take up the position at the school" Astrid said, pausing to take a long slow pull from her tankard and as she lowered it away did she raise her gaze back in Godric's direction. "I had wanted to see about sending them to the school instead actually, while only a few of my siblings have shown signs of magical ability my parents before their passing had taught them what they could and I tried to fill in the blanks afterward. It leaves the need indeed for them to further that instruction I can agree to that. However they decided to decline the offer themselves, at least for this first year and I won't go about forcing it on them if thats what they want. My mother and I opened the clinic and shop when we came here to the trading post a few years ago and given its one of the few things we have left to remember her by I can see why they are hesitant to close it and attend school as important as an education is. By next year perhaps we can better solve a way for those of age to attend school to do so permitting they are allowed to while the others can either remain running the shop or just enjoy being children peacefully."

Astrid exhaled a sigh then took another drink nearly emptying the contents. Why had she even bothered to explain all this to him anyway? They weren't friends or even lovers as much as her heart craved them to be, so it mattered little to him about her personal situation with her siblings. It wasn't like he would care or suddenly change his way of thinking about them. Her siblings had decided things on their own, a different way of thinking perhaps then typical around here but they were different themselves. Raised in an environment where a person was valued on their deeds and spirit not gender and class. All many people saw and assumed of vikings was the more well known and bloody clans and their deeds of robbery and murder but not all of them were like that but it was pointless to try and explain that to anyone. It was too complex for anyone to understand, especially if they had been fed the stories all their lives on the villainous scoundrels of the seas and coasts.

 No doubt the man across from her had encountered a few in is time hence why he was looking for an escape from being around her. Guess that explained why he was so odd around her, as fun as it was to tease him and not that she would admit filled her with day dreams of something more intimate and primal between them it seemed pointless to try and create a connect between them as friends or even as employer and employee. It certainly was enough to take the fun out of the room now. Maybe she was better off finishing her drink and getting back to school so he could parade around as he liked without her around. Certainly would give him the chance to celebrate if he managed to get himself into a drunken fight again, though if he came crawling to her for healing again she may not be as gentle as she had been last time.

She looked up as the few moments of silence was suddenly broken by Godric pressing her about where she had learned to play the lyre seated on the table beside her. Was he trying to get her to admit to her roots? Prove to the rumors and gossip that she was of viking origin or some nonsense like that? The people could think what they want, she and her family were here to live a peaceful life now and their past was none the concern for those that gossiped away behind their backs. 

"I learned it along with many things a long time ago, when we had our lives torn out from under us, left with no home, injured and broken hearted and more importantly in need of a new start we were given one along with the chance to see the world many don't get to view outside letters. I learned to play a variety of musical instruments and different styles of dancing, how to navigate by the stars and wind currents, experience different cultures and its people, and more important the vast knowledge of healing and medical varieties and information that secured me the honorary post as healer at the school" she explained carefully, a hint of something in her voice hinted at more laying beyond her words. Not that she was about to spill her life story to Godric anyway, it was fairly clear he wanted little to do with her and even her heart dreaming of having a sort of romantic or intimate entanglement between them was almost idiotic and foolish on her part. She knew better than that, men like them were all the same and absolutely didn't do anything of the sort with women like her let alone were interested more than a tussle in the sheets to satisfy primal needs. She pressed her fingers into the tankard, reminding herself to remain calm and not let her emotions show. Keeping her mask in place was more important right now for both her professional status and her siblings safety. 

Astrid exhaled a breath then downed the remainder of her tankard in a few swift gulps. Lowering it away she calmly rose to her feet. She approached the bar again, this time not quite exposing herself as stretched out and figure on display as she had the first time as she asked for another refill. "So, what about you? Any hidden musical talents or fun little abilities you enjoy doing in your free time?" she asked turning to look at Godric beside her as she waited. They were close to one another again and although it seemed the perfect way to tease him if he was truly uncomfortable around her it honestly wasn't her intent, at least not on purpose. If she happened to rattle him with so little space between them then perhaps it was deserved payback for his question earlier. He may have spoiled her fun but he wasn't about to ruin her drink tonight.

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Registered: Dec 2021

All Accounts Posts: 223
Godric was curious about what she meant when she said, 'enjoy being children peacefully'. Were younger people supposed to be different from adults? As long as he could remember, his life had been spent either studying or working towards his knighthood. There had been no toys in his life - other than the wooden sword he'd carried for the years leading up to when he'd been granted a dagger to carry at age seven. And then there'd been the practice wand he'd worn on his other hip. Nothing magical about it other than the fact that his mother had made him use it when practicing the symbols that would eventually cast magic.

But what was it to be a child? A real child without responsibility. He'd met so few in his life. Helga's children were probably the closest things he had seen and even they had had responsibility from early ages. Being the children of minor nobles carried weight. And commoner children had it worse, caring for whole households while their parents worked the fields or servicing others.

It was simply an odd thought. It didn't seem very-Vikinglike, considering how successful they were in their endeavors. Astrid was proof of that - so young and yet already an accomplished healer and musician. Surely they, too, encouraged their children's lives from a young age so they could be successful explorers or warriors. And they were definitely successful warriors. Godric had faced youths on the battlefield that barely looked old enough to shave, let alone hold a sword and yet they did so well.

So what was the concept she spoke of? How odd.

Her next words went on to prove that she, too, had had no childhood? Considering she had turned out so well, surely she could see the merit of wanting her siblings to have the same opportunities that she had had. Or so he would have thought. And to think of refusing an offer that would further their education, their lives as this would - his parents would have been outraged.

But then he thought of little Gwen - when his brother had tried to marry her off in order to put an end to her unique way of living. Gwen had always been able to say no, and have it more tolerated by their family. Had Godric pulled half of the nonsense that she had, his father would have had him whipped in an instant.

"In spite of your troubles, you seem to have turned it all into quite a successful life," he offered. It seemed true. She'd mentioned hardship but here she was with a successful position as well as two back-ups in case the school failed. Obviously she had worked hard to be the person she was so why not push her siblings in the same manner so that she didn't need to run down and check on them? It seemed a puzzle, something he had never been particularly good at. He left that sort of thing to Rowena and Salazar.

Godric was taken aback when she asked about him. What to say really?

He finished his drink, offering it to the tender to fill it back up. With a full one in front of him, he took a long drag from the mug while thinking of what to say. "I'm not quite certain what could really compare to your many talents." Godric was naturally quiet about his best skills, having used them many times for his own purposes for reasons he did not care to share. Even his friends weren't aware of them all. Something relaxed - silly, even, would be best. "Well, I can..." he thought for a moment and finally shook his head. "I'm afraid I'm a rather boring specimen. My life has been spent preparing for one thing and, I suppose, it's made me a rather dull man. You see I'm here and not at home with a wife or lover. I'm afraid none will tolerate my love for animals and swordplay and little else. And lengthy time away from home certainly doesn't help.

"However, if you're ever interested in conning some people," Godric leaned in closer to share a little secret. "I can throw daggers with my left foot. And eight out of ten times, I can hit the center target." Cut his feet to hell in the process but he could do it! He gave her a playful wink at the end. If she'd traveled anywhere at all, she'd know the value of a good con.

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