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Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - Printable Version +- Chasing A Dream (https://chasingadream.rpginitiative.com) +-- Forum: The Village (https://chasingadream.rpginitiative.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=28) +--- Forum: The Tavern (https://chasingadream.rpginitiative.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=31) +--- Thread: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) (/showthread.php?tid=39) |
RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - Astrid Gudrun - 10-09-2022 Astrid hadn't thought to clarify what she had meant by enjoying being children though the comment had been aimed at her younger half siblings who all under the age of five were just a little to young to pick up the responsibilities like the older children. They too were still at the tender age that the passing of their mother was something they didn't understand, still holding on to faith that she would be back one day and with their father most of them could still barely remember. It was only through stories did they have something to grasp on to and she was thankful her other siblings felt comfortable telling them stories of a father that wasn't theirs by blood but had treated them as well as herself as if they were his. As Astrid did, they viewed it as having two fathers, both strong men who had looked after and cared for them though it had been the later who had taught them what they needed to know and the duties that came with becoming an adult. It was unfortunate though that the stories of her father weren't as embraced as their second. Admittedly he had been a boring man for as long as she could remember for the simple fact they had a simple and peaceful life. A life she missed experiencing every now and then but still, as hard as it was his stories were sometimes shared when they needed to take a break from the usual. The one topic of stories that was not brought up was on her alter ego and the ventures of that one. While Astrid kept it all from them, not daring involve them in any information or secrets involving her double life out of keeping them safe it didn't stay completely away from them when every once in a while the travels brought gossip of a knight that bested a group of thieves then the men themselves, a rogue provider of justice in their own way. All she could was try to distract them with something else or give it little attention to avoid any links being connected. She didn't think they would assume her of the role but she didn't want to give them anything to even ponder over the idea either. Godrics comment had her refocus a bit, still leaning a bit on the bar counter she was in clear view of the words meaning in his eyes and he from what she could see beyond those memoizable pools was that he didn't mean anything disrespect or rude by them, simply it seemed like she had found success despite what she had gone through in her past. If he only knew just how much she had to do in order to even get this far but she doubted he really cared beyond what she had already said. Not like it would change his opinion of her anyway. The conversation was suddenly taking her down memory lane and it was beginning to really look like instead of Godric being the one searching for an escape route it was instead her and before she moved too far in the direction of her memories. Though that all changed as she reached for her filled tankard and surprising he answered her question after getting a refill for himself. She didn't move from her slightly compromising position as she listened, surprised most of all not that he found himself a boring man but he didn't have anyone like a wife or lover to share it with. This was not just a stunning surprise but a bit of a curious puzzle that called out to her to solve. Did he not come from a noble family? From what she knew most of them were married off at young ages to connect with other families and keep the noble rich blood above the commoners and riffraff. So was there more than what she was assuming or was he just a special case from the normal? It seemed a bit odd, he couldn't be much older than herself and was better looking then most of the men she had seen in her lifetime. Beyond those handsome features he seemed to be a good hearted guy with a taste for humor and fun every once in a while but held duty and responsibility close by. He was a rare catch and to know no one had yet snatch him up was a puzzle indeed. Possible hinted that maybe something lay deeper that was a deal breaker to all the good, granted she couldn't be sure what it could possible be. He certainly wasn't lacking physically, she had seen full view of that one afternoon and it had been hard to forget ever since so what else could it be except something maybe a bad habit or something rocky in his past that was hard for normal women to swallow. Like that of his love animals and sword play, if they truly cared for him they would embrace that about him not fault him for it as it seemed they did. Not that she cared what they thought, normal women were a bit on the weaker side anyway on most things and they certainly wouldn't be able to make his life more exciting if he viewed it as boring. The idea however that he wasn't in fact with anyone sent something bouncing in her heart was something that she tried to ignore, shifting her head away to take a drink to cover any chance of it become apparent on her expression. His next words had Astrid turn back to him and the sight nearly stopped her heart as his face was leaned in far closer than where it had been when she had looked away. Her breath paused in her lungs as she tried to regain her control on herself instead of the temptation now boldly daring her to remove the last of the space between them if only to find out how delicious his lips tasted and just how good of a kisser the dashing knight was given he had no wife or lover to fill his appetite. No, no get your head off of that. What was he mentioning again? Conning people, right. She quickly tugged his current topic to the front of her mind, helped when she slowly straightened up and held tightly to the full tankard as she considered his words. "My, that would certainly make quite the con. Certainly would catch quite a few and make for a good bit of fun" She replied with a smile, the hint of a playful smirk mixed in at the corners. Of course then he had to wink at her and it was a bit tricky to simmer down the heated desires rising up in her mind. It would certainly end the night on a good note but she wasn't interested in a one night tussle no matter how good looking or no doubt heavenly satisfying it would be with the subject in front of her. In the end he was still technically her employer and still in a class above her. Unless none of that mattered and the rare chance they actually grew attracted to one another this was all just her lonely heart seeking something more than physical lust. "I don't suppose you've ever decided to cure your boredom with such an idea as you drink the night away with the tavern's nightly customers" Astrid added a bit quietly to not be overheard by the rest of the room. She glanced around just to be sure and as she turned back to him her smile took on a bit more playfulness with an added spark in her light blue eyes. "Would certainly add a bit of fun and excitement to an otherwise dull and boring night of drinking until the sun rises. If you manage to make a bit of coin or just a good laugh that would be an added bonus on top of it." She leaned the side of her body against the bar top, giving him a chance to mull over her words as she took a long pull from her tankard. True Astrid was no stranger to cons or the various level they could be at but the one he was mentioning sounded more on the comical side then dangerous or selfish as many tended to be. It was a feet on its own to be so dexterous with his feet to be able to throw knives from them, it would be an interesting sight to see some time maybe. It wasn't like she was proposing the idea that they do have a bit of fun tonight but she wasn't refusing the idea all together for a potential night in the future. That's if she decided to come back again the same time he would be visiting as well. RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - Godric Gryffindor - 10-11-2022 Godric looked amused by her suggestion, thinking it pointless to play the innocent. "Well, what other reason would a man have to teach himself to throw daggers with his feet? A penniless knight has to make his way somehow." While he wasn't exactly penniless, the years on the road had been tight. Living off the land, fighting for every bit of coin he had to keep up with his weapons and horse, fighting with his brother for funds when the group hadn't been able to find work...it had led Godric to make some desperate and sometimes unusual choices. If it earned him and his band of brothers' a good night's sleep somewhere warm or at least a warm meal to comfort them after a long trek, then it was worth it. He hadn't been their leader but sometimes it had felt that way, as he had been the highest rank of nobility among them. As soon as he'd said the words, though, he regretted it. He hadn't come here to tell a sob story but rather share a good evening by a warm fire with plenty of drink and good will. And with a pretty face to boot, untouchable or not. Still nice to have a good looking woman looking his way. It had been far too long... Not just a pretty face either. There were a lot of nice parts that he would occasionally get a good glimpse of as she shifted in her chair just to get more comfortable or even just to take a drink. Her movements were fluid, not boisterous or nervous like many women were in his company. "So you say you dance?" He asked suddenly, thinking that was one of the many talents she had mentioned in her list. It would explain the smoothness to her movements. Did the Norse people dance - surely they must! She couldn't have been in the kingdom for long. How long had the apothecary been here anyway? Another thing he couldn't remember, though to be fair, he hadn't spent as much time in Scotland at the school up until lately. RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - Astrid Gudrun - 10-11-2022 He was a penniless knight? Well that was certainly something Astrid hadn't thought to hear. Though to be fare she knew little about noble families, knighthood, and an assortment of other social mumbo jumbo in this country and she wasn't all that enthusiastic to learn it all at the moment either. So to make it clear he was from a noble family and a well respected and known knight but he had little to no money? It sounded odd even in her head but then again she knew nothing on the matters and it seemed in her minds best interest to let it go for now. Straightening up from her leaning position against the bar counter, she moved back the few steps to the table and her original seat hoping the few moments would give her something else to talk about, a change of topic that would be less dangerous then picturing the two of them enjoying the night conning the locals with his deadly feet. Something her younger self may have enjoyed before she took a firmer hold of her responsibilities and future. It seemed though Godric was thinking of the same thing for no sooner had she sat back down in her chair did he pose a change of subject and one directed back at her and her more personal life. Astrid was tempted to raise an eyebrow curiously, taking a drink from her tankard instead to ease the feeling away. She had assumed he wasn't all that interested into getting to know her, judging from his search for an escape earlier but maybe in a rush to get the aim off himself he grasp at something quickly and it just so happened to be her. Well at least it wasn't something so would need to choose her words over with carefully, in fact she could even have a bit of fun if she could manage to get under his skin with a playful image or two that not many men would willingly resist picturing. "I do" Astrid began, cupping her tankard between her hands for now as she faced him. "I managed to learn a good variety of dances during my travels before my family settled here a few years ago. I wouldn't go calling myself very good at them but its more about having fun than anything and helps reduce the stress or rough patches of a busy day. Too often during the summer I couldn't help myself but go deep into the woods and dance fully nude under the full moon just to release some pent up stress from a busy few days." She raised her tankard to her lips and pretended to take a drink as she hide a small smirk from view. She had sounded so calm and pleasantly serious during her explanation and no doubt a few listening ears around the room suddenly had several gears turning in their mind over her words. Acting as though she hadn't just said something a bit to blood heating Astrid lowered her tankard down to her lap, a soft simple smile on her lips. "While I haven't done that since I became employed at the school, I have guiltily done a little dancing in the infirmary while I was setting things up, needing a break from the constant still standing as I stock the shelves or organize various papers and forms in my desk for the coming year. While its not the same feeling, it has helped me keep in shape a bit better than nothing at all and I thought it inappropriate now with the school open to try any swimming in the lake. Unless your used to it, the water can be a bit too cold for many and I wouldn't want anyone getting sick trying to imitate me taking an early morning swim. I'd rather just stick with healing students not be the cause of needing to be healed by my selfishness to stay a bit fit. I can't blame anyone but myself after all, Lady Hufflepuff's cooking is just far too good and I often cant help myself to additional servings or second desserts at dinner. I don't know how you all get by having such a wonderful cook here, I might have to ask for some personal lessons to improve my own skills. I'm not as good as I would like to be when it comes to cooking level." RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - Godric Gryffindor - 10-12-2022 Godric's stared at her in disbelief, the acknowledgement of what kind of dancing she did penetrating deep in his mind. To cover his reaction, he quickly pulled the tankard up to his lips to take a very long pull from what little was remaining. While the dancing in the infirmary was amusing, the dancing naked was a bit scandalous. Not that it was unheard of - Godric had heard of women who banded together during feast days and danced around standing stones, quite often wearing little to nothing. He'd seen it himself only once, though the rhythm and practiced movements were often more beautiful than the women themselves. However, to dance just to dance. There was something a bit heathen about it. Granted, where she came from, that was definitely on key. Still, it wasn't hard to picture her out under the shady leaves, moving for just herself and no other purpose was...well, it was something that he was trying desperately not to think of. "I see," he said weakly once he'd swallowed. The girl had no inhibitions, telling a room full of men that she danced naked. While they weren't shouting, it was definitely clear from the looks of the men watching her that sat nearest to them that they had heard what she had to say. That could cause some trouble later, if she wasn't careful. Oh well, that's what he was there for. He would just make sure he stayed until she left and then escort her home to keep anyone from harassing her. Luckily she had brought up another, much more safer conversation topic that he could definitely discuss. "Oh, cooking spells! For that, you'll want to go straight to Lady Hufflepuff herself. If it wasn't for her instruction, the men and I would have starved during our years on the road. She is amazing with creating a delicious meal out of very little. And she's usually very eager to pass on her knowledge to those willing to learn. "The house elfs are proof of that, though I highly doubt she's been able to teach them everything she knows. Every cook has their own special secrets, after all or else why would an employer keep them on." He said, trying to make it a little joke. While he'd tried to make her dancing not a big deal, it was now hard to look her in the eye. RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - Astrid Gudrun - 10-12-2022 Astrid found herself once again struggling to keep in her true expression held in as she studied Godric and his reaction to her bold admission. It certainly hadn't gone unnoticed around the room as she could feel several eyes on her back now. While she may have fudge her words just a bit it had all been worth it to see his eyes and the way the wheels of his mind reflected in them for just the few moments he would look at her. His voice even held telltale signs he hadn't been unaffected by her teasing and taunting words. Of course she wasn't foolish enough to go dancing naked in the middle of the night, at least not since they had moved here and she had given up most of her life of travel but it was a hard thing not to include when it seemed the strongest way of getting under his guard was using her female physical body. She wasn't a full idiot and knew the dangers a woman in her position had in the mountain trading post, particularly her physical looks. Call it a sin of her ego but she was a bit proud of her figure and beauty but even more with the surprise she could give a handsy drunk when she used her strength to overpower him swift and easily. Astrid had trained as a fighter, a warrior and although she hadn't taken it far enough to be very visible on her body she was not a target to be underestimated. It was why despite the eyes and now wandering minds around the tavern glancing at her back she was able to maintain a calm position, almost uninterested that she had no doubt excited quite a few minds with images to play over and over. Astrid took a drink from her tankard, her gaze locked on Godric a bit more as he seemed to grasp at another far safer topic than continuing the one from before. She calmly swirled the last remaining sip in her tankard, noticing he was avoiding looking at her again. A sign she had gotten to him if only a little and she muffled a smirk as she finished the last of the contents of her tankard. "So I hear. She is the one I'm told to seek out for cooking lessons and has offered them once before when I was giving her a hand in the gardens" She replied after lowering her tankard down to her lap again. She pondered whether or not to get up and get another refill, she'd had four already but was no where near her limit. Then again she didn't often like to let it get out deep into the drink she could really get so maybe slowly down a bit was a better idea. "To be taught by such a masterful person would be a great honor indeed but I wouldn't want to bother her with the school open and the many things she has to do. Perhaps some time I will find the chance but I won't intrude on her at this time." Astrid calmly twirled the empty tankard around in her hands but kept her gaze on him across from her. Should she take a chance and press into him further? Make him even squirm a little in his skin or would she be pushing it a bit too much? While she knew it was all good and fun against Godric, the same couldn't be said to those behind her affected by her words. If she wasn't careful it would take her a bit longer to get back up to the school once she was ready to make her way back tonight. "So, a knight with years of travelling the roads. Did you and your order even encounter anything exciting or thrilling? See sights or partake of battles many would only get to experience through your stories?" Astrid asked. It seemed like the topics were switching back and forth between them and given she needed an excuse to cool her mind before she teased him one step too far she decided to ask about his travels as a knight. Surely he had enough on the subject to distract them for a bit and also cool a few heads off from the heated state she had put them in. RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - Godric Gryffindor - 10-13-2022 Godric, slowly recovering from her shocking revelation, ordered himself a third drink and started in on it while she explained that she already knew about Helga's talent and why she hadn't asked for lessons of her own just quite yet. It made perfect sense to him and was rather considerate about his friend's already overloaded schedule, something he appreciated. While Helga liked to help and work hard, sometimes she took that to the extreme. It was a worrisome trait, one that she had based her house on. He just hoped that not all of her students would end up that way and burn out early in the year to live up to their Founder's expectations. While he probably could have expressed this, he really wasn't in the mood. The nodding of his head while she had explained should have been enough for her to understand how he felt. The next question she posed tended to be a dangerous one with Godric. He had, indeed, seen exciting and thrilling things; sights that most people would not have and battles that no person should have to. There had been brushes with danger and death on numerous occasions, sights that would take your breath away, and nights around the campfire spent with stories and laughter to try and chase away the darkness. This morning, he'd already had a close enough brush with those bad memories he worked so hard to keep at bay. Well, if he had to, he'd just have to drink a bit more tonight to make it through. He didn't have a lot of money on him but if he had to pay his tab tomorrow (after borrowing a bit off of Salazar), the tender knew Godric would come back and pay. Not like he could go anywhere to escape to dodge the bill and the guy behind the bar knew it. Not exactly a comfortable experience, having to borrow off of his friend, but he knew that, while a lecture would be forthcoming, so would the money. While maybe Helga wouldn't lecture so much, Godric felt guilty about asking her for money. She had a family to support, after all, as did Rowena. Salazar, on the other hand, was free of such responsibility and would spare a bit if Godric was desperate. "There were many interesting experiences one could have while out on the road. Not only was I out for my brothers but the last ten years, I've also been hunting the isle for students," he said, wanting to focus on the better times. "One time, I was after a young boy whose name had been passed on to me by a friend of a friend of a friend of my late father." Godric smiled at the memory. "The lad seemed to have extraordinary luck in everything he'd done and people were starting to get suspicious of him. In fact, when I arrived, there was a mob at the edge of his village, preparing to confront the family about the matter. "It wasn't going to be the easiest job. Unfortunately, he was an only child so the case of sneaking him out dressed like a sister, as I have had to do before, was out of the question. I also couldn't pass him off as one of the other brothers, slipping him out of reach in time. His mother was so occupied with trying to purge their family home of anything magical to save their lives as she, too, was one of us. It certainly was a desperate hour where quick wits was required. "Honestly, we should have sent Rowena as she would have been better for the situation. She has a way of spinning words to make people question exactly what they think and believe and would have turned it into a much simpler exchange. I'm afraid I wasn't at top form and finding a solution eluded me for a few desperate minutes." Godric paused, suddenly realizing that if he finished the story, it would reveal more about his abilities than he cared to. Why the hell had he started this story! Dammit! If he'd been stone sober, he would have found another - maybe the one about Kimberly, which was endearing but less exciting. This was the one that had been his finest hour, if he did say so himself. This gave him the opportunity to stop though and see if she was entranced or bored with the story. He could play it down easily, give half of it if she was bored but still come out looking like a little hero instead of what he'd actually done. RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - Astrid Gudrun - 10-14-2022 Astrid paused twirling the empty tankard in her hands and listened intently as to her slight surprise Godric took to her turn of topic. He began to share a story not of any of his knightly heroics but of his journey out to collect students for the school. Not as action packed she thought but it was interesting none the less. Granted as he spun further into his tale she realized it had a fare bit of action or at least had the makings of some to come about soon. It certainly paused her approach to getting a refill in her tankard for now. His story had a hook in her and she leaned in just a little with interest to hear more. Part of her mind however was a bit more focused on the drinks he was slowly consuming and just how strong his resistance was before he began to become effected by the deliciously addictive drink. So far she counted two drinks down and his third now in his hand but the question on her mind was just how strong of a stomach did he have? If he was a nightly visitor to the tavern surely he could hold his own for a good number of drinks and part of her was curious to test that out. After all she had used his gold coin he had given her to pay for his drinks tonight, it would be interesting to see if he could drink enough to use the full amount. At the very least it would make his return to the school an interesting one if he decided to play the gentlemen and walked her back? Would the roles be in reverse and it would really be her walking him back to the castle? It certainly would make an interesting end of the night and one she was oddly hopeful of. "So, how did you end up retrieving the young boy without alerting the mob on the hunt for him?" Astrid asked with a light hint of curiosity in her tone. She wondered if he had chosen to pause for dramatic effect or needed the time to try and fish out the rest of the story whether it was true or made up. It didn't really matter to her honestly if the story was true or fictional, oddly it was the way he was telling it that had her interested for more. His voice had drawn her in and his expression as he replayed that kept her attention on his. Admittedly she wanted to hear more of his encounters and tales, even the ones that may darken those bright cheerful eyes of his and gave her more than enough of an excuse to move in closer. Those broad shoulders and long arms had to be comfortable and secure when they held someone close right? If not to comfort him then perhaps help ease his mind on to something else less dark and mood breaking. Definitely could share maybe a story or two of her own, provided she change a few detail around. RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - Godric Gryffindor - 10-14-2022 She sounded interested, which was good and bad. Good because Godric hadn't wanted to bore her but bad because that meant he should probably go with the truth to keep up the tension and drama. Not that he was trying to impress her. He just didn't want all that build up for some let down. And truly, what he had done had been rather magnificent - if he said so himself...which he did. "Well, there weren't many options, as I said." Godric grinned, leaning towards her as well. "Really, I could either let the mob in and show them that there was nothing magical about the household but there was always the chance that the mother had missed something. Or mistake something for a magical object when, in reality, it was just a broom for sweeping or cauldron for boiling soup. There was no choice, it had to be something quick. "I don't know if you've heard but I'm a mad fast draw - the best duelers must be. No sooner I slipped into the one back window - no small feat for a man my size but I made it in without being noticed. Once inside, there was little time to explain. I quickly drew my wand when I reached my feet. The mother and I exchanged tense looks for a moment but she seemed resigned to whatever I had planned. With a nod of her head that I took as consent, I changed them both into little mice. Once they were safe in a relatively roomy pouch, I gathered the bags she had already prepared to flee and then fled myself out the window once more. Had the door between the front and back rooms not been closed, they would have seen me for certain!" His smile faded a bit. "Unfortunately, to cover my retreat, I had to make some sort of distraction or they would have found me quick. With great reluctance, I started the roof ablaze, knowing that there was no going back for them. The house was lost to them the minute that mob had formed. Casting myself under an old cloak of invincibility, everything hidden away, I created the illusion of a great dragon appearing from behind the house." He laughed. "You should have heard the villagers scream as they scrambled to get away from the house. I had it rise up from behind the house, circling it a few times before flying off into the distance though I doubt it would have mattered. They were so busy trying to get away that they likely never noticed how small it actually was or that the distance was to the opposite edge of town. Still, it worked. The family was safe." He sighed. "It was one of the better days I'd had in a long time. I brought the family to Lady's Moore's home where she fed them and gave them shelter until a home could be built on her land for them to live in. The boy...Thomas Mawbry. He thought it was most amazing adventure. I believe he's a Ravenclaw now. I checked in on the family a few times in the last few years - that boy is definitely deserving of that house. Quick as a wink. Maybe a bit forward with the ladies but I truly think he'll make something of himself." Godric laughed again. "Of course, I say that about all the students so I suppose my recommendation means less than it should." There, a full story. Some exaggerated but it was close enough to the truth that she wouldn't think poorly of him - hopefully. While maybe that had been a bit harsh towards the ignorant villagers, this version was a lot better than what had actually happened in the end. But that story never needed to be told. RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - Astrid Gudrun - 10-15-2022 There was something to be said as Astrid listened to Godric complete his tale, weaving together a scene that while painted him as the heroic knight he seemed to portray, it showed he had a strong dutiful heart. A few times she caught something in his eyes when his emotions shifted through the story and too be honest his laugh was mildly ringing in her ears. He had a good laugh, regardless of if it was just a staged one or his true laugh it made him more mortal then the image she had of him before. She had joined him with a light chuckle of her own as the scene was just too much not to. While it wasn't enough to give her the hint there could be something between them, it didn't completely tell her they had to stay in the position they were in now. Maybe getting to know him more than employer and employee wouldn't be so bad, friends at least if he wasn't putting on a show for her. When he finished his story she slowly got up from her chair and approached the counter again. She really aught to just sit at the bar instead of constantly getting up just for a refill on her drink but while they seemed to be connecting a bit she didn't want to full on scare him off or cause gossip to rise up around the trading post about the two of them. While in the long run she couldn't care what was said about her, hard to avoid given she looked so different and out of place for the most part he was innocent to all of it and didn't deserve to be wrangled in to it just because they were having a good time, innocently chatting and maybe a little bit of teasing but nothing worth the gossip trails to weave into a scandalous intimate exchange. Astrid set down her tankard for another refill, turning to Godric while she waited. It may have not been the wisest idea in her mind but she would chalk it up to being a few drinks in and her resistance was a bit loose. She moved her free hand towards him, placing it on his shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. "You don't give yourself enough credit and your recommendation means a lot more then your letting it be. You see something in people, enough to know if they should be given a chance to come to this magnificent school you and the other founders have put together no matter their background or class. To be taught by some of the strongest in the greater civil countries is a great honor that I'm sure everyone you have brought here feels." "Don't be so hard on yourself, you did what your heart knew needed to be done and you shouldn't feel any doubt or regret. Sure, others may not see what or how you do things as being the right way or the smartest but if it gets the task done and innocent lives saved what does it matter how you go about it. If it works for you then continue to do it, no need to change yourself just to please others" she said a bit quieter so it was just his ears to hear what she hoped was a reasonable pep talk. Offering Godric a smile she took her recently filled tankard as the barman returned and made her way back to her seat. While a few of the eyes had moved on she could still feel a few every so often against her back. She really aught to be getting back soon, the temptation returning to her mind to see how many more drinks before the handsome knight across from her truly loosened up in a drunken state but then again it wouldn't look so good to have to help him stumble back up to the castle. Again the rumors and gossip would begin to form on something going on between them beyond what was there but it would be a little fun to hover it over him for a day or two when he came to find out just how the pair had gotten back. Something about him just called out to her to tease him, maybe that annoying part that seemed to think she had a chance of something romantic with him. Astrid looked down at the tankard in her hand, her mind deciding to think for a moment in the small pause of their conversation. While friendship seemed possible it was a whole other matter when it came to romance. As good looking and oddly more and more desirable Godric was becoming she just couldn't believe there could be anything between them. He was too good hearted for her, noble and wanting to do the knightly heroic thing right were she if not quite a viking herself had done some dirty and dark things in her past. She had blood on her hands and no matter how many innocent lives she saved or how corrupt and evil those she had taken were she still had killed, some of them not in a very honorable way either. Her eyes took on a dark note for a moment as they stared down into the mildly foamy contents of her tankard, a few of her kills returning to her mind for a moment before she closed her eyes and took a slow breath, pushing them all away. Reopening her eyes she put on the small friendly smile again as she raised her head to look towards Godric a moment then lift her tankard up for a drink. Thankfully with the drinks help she would be sleeping a bit more soundly tonight, unless her mind decided to pay her back all the teasing she had been doing to Godric tonight and decided to fill her dreams of images of him instead. Sometimes her mind could just be that cruel, especially the deeper she sunk into the drinks she continued to knock back but there was always a chance it was willing to forgive her if it decided to. RE: Chance Encounter As Planned (Godric) - Godric Gryffindor - 10-18-2022 Godric wasn't surprised when she got up and got another drink. She seemed like the type that could drink well. The few Vikings he'd met (not on the battlefield, obviously) could hold their liquor with the best of them. While she was female, he just had that feeling about him. Maybe she couldn't do it as well as he could, he felt she could easily match him drink for drink for at least an hour or two - which was good. He never liked coming down here to get hit on by the few drunk women who dared come in here. And she wasn't hitting on him, thankfully. Teasing him a bit, yes but there were also moments of real sincerity, something the playful women could never consider by the time they hit him up. It was a relief to find a woman outside of their circle that didn't just look at him to look. He never valued the type that looked at his face and arms and fell hard. After all, they were magical. Looks easily came in a bottle or with the wave of a wand (as he knew too well). It had to be what was inside or nothing. Granted, pretty faces were nice for a night or two when one was lonely but not enough to consider a lifetime with said person. "I thank you. Sometimes I do question myself. Don't we all from time to time?" he said, a good-natured grin on his face. It didn't take a genius to see the flash of darkness that crossed her face. While it was quickly there and gone as she buried her face in her mug for the most part. It was hard to see unless one was too used to that look on the faces of others as well as himself. It was not hard to imagine the hardships she might have witnessed in her life. Though young, he hadn't been that old either when he'd run his first man through. Not a man yet, the blood that had sprayed across his face had made him one that day. Who knew what the life of the common Viking woman was like. The few he'd met had been fierce warriors that had fought to the death, leaving little chance to interact with them. Honestly, it was more likely to see a man of their race to surrender than a woman. He wanted to reassure her somehow that he was not a man to judge but that would be too personal for him. Still wanting to take away the darkness from her eyes, he adopted a goofy smile and launched into another story, the endearing one about Kimberly who'd tried to run away from him and was constantly worried about having an independent life. He wanted to show her that there were always bright moments, even out of the darkest tales. Maybe he didn't believe that the good outweighed the bad, but being able to have those few good moments is what kept him going - for the people that he could give those good moments. He finished the story with her sorting into his house. "I believe that she will really prove an asset to my house. Her independent streak stretches out forever and her love of horses won't hurt her either. I can't wait until I see what she does with my Defense classes." Godric announced. One thing was for certain, Kimberly would never need to worry about her past coming back to hunt her down, considering the skills he would teach her. |